That is the search for an overview

The need to move away from the object to understand the subject himself, finds himself in another form, with the mysterious geoglyphs the desert of Nazca, Peru. In this case we have lines drawn on the ground floor that you would say an abstruse system of trails that lead nowhere, but which, when viewed from the sky, become birds, monkeys, spiders and other animals of the forest in South America. Unlike Pointillisme, the Nazca lines lead us not only to move away from the object, but also to ask in an elevated position, the point of observation that, ideally, for the peoples who inhabited these territories belonged to the gods .
I would like to mention at this point, the famous guide the vision seen by the mystic Black Elk Sioux "I found myself on the highest of all mountains and all around beneath me was the whole hoop of the world. And in that place I saw more than I can tell, and I understood more of what I saw, because I saw in a sacred manner the shapes of all things in the spirit and shape of all shapes as they must live together as one being. And I saw that the sacred hoop of my people was just one of many hoops that made one circle as wide as daylight and as starlight. "
On reflection, this vision, as the Divisions and the Nazca lines, reflects the reality of our atomic world: all the things we see and distinguish as separate entities, in fact, if quantum terms are not reduced to an endless series of particles. And even at levels which we can see with the naked eye, identical law order applies: the more we move away from individual objects with their eyes, from particular beings, more designs will be presented to our eyes to understand. But there is also
another form of "removal for understanding", which is the transcendence of the mystics. In this sense it is no longer the eye have to make the process, but the spirit, rising from the particular reality, comes to grasp the universal. Stop focusing on individual expressions of creation, the inner eye of the philosopher or the beginning, try to lift him up to the reality Iperuranio, since only distancing themselves from the manifold, represented by the diversity of events, be able to contemplate a more extensive and comprehensive, made this time unit does not show. These are the "high temple, from which, according Lucretius, the essays point out the world that lies beneath. The entire universe, moreover, is based on the perpetual alternation of the All-interpenetration and unity, which prevents the Whole to see the One. The real challenge that arises with men, which is based on the path to Gnosis, you grasp the unity in all members of the Whole.
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