Monday, May 5, 2008

Different Shaped ####


metamorphosis of consciousness or ego trip?

I think all of us, at least once, we heard of the Eastern doctrine of reincarnation. I say "Oriental" because it is commonly called, although if they find traces of more or less relevant in many ancient civilizations, from Greece to Pythagoras and Plato pre-Columbian America ... According to this doctrine, also known as within the purely philosophical " metempsychosis "(greek word which means transmigration of the soul), to the death of, or better than his material body, his soul in the position they disappear or go into some kind of afterlife, would continue the suopercorso in the world taking on a new body physical, "reborn" in fact. Then it is a cycle infinite rebirths (as the Pythagoreans seems to imply) or a process will disappear within a few or many incarnations (the idea taken from Buddhism and Hinduism), is another matter on which strands of interpretation is also divergono.Vi to be determined, and there appear new differences between the various streams, if the soul of the individual can only be reincarnated in another human being or any other living thing ... But, in my view, is the real crux of the matter, you should really understand "what", as part of the individual that is immaterial, passages from one body to another in its journey through space-time. Already, as "anima" and "spirit", terms often interchangeable in the Abrahamic religions which are used to indicate a total of "what man is not matter, do not give an accurate idea of \u200b\u200bsome inner structure or anatomy of a conscious individual. In contrast, in the East, but also in some ancient civilizations (such as Pharaonic Egypt) and in the Western esoteric disciplines, "soul" and "spirit" takes on a different role and precise nature, and they are joined, in many cases , a much more complex and orderly (though obviously speculative) division of the bodies that make up the intangible human being. The problem is that often these subdivisions vary depending on the region or school of thought, so by the terms as used by Bodhi Atman and sacred texts of Hinduism, we pass to the Egyptian Ka and Ba, or the Greek Psyche and Nous.Ciononostante, beyond the differences in terminology, it is clear that old soul and spirit identified two distinct parts: the first, also known as "ethereal", seat of vital energy, the plan instinctive, emotional and sentimental, and the second, called "astral", constituting the individual mind itself, intellectual activity and consapevolezza.Quest 'last body would in turn be divided into an Ego of the human type, bottom, and another divine supreriore, also called the superego. So, if you can Reincarnation speaking, it makes more sense to understand it as transmigration of the spirit, rather than the soul, and that is not in relation to the biological sphere of existence and the sentimental, emotional, but rather to a higher conscious realm. And here also should be made a fundamental distinction between the ego particular, that belongs to the person that is space-time that we are current incarnation, "I" of universal and impersonal that we carry within us the image of God as I believe it is more
plausible that the latter "I" it is for the honor of metempsychosis, understood not as a transmigration from one body to another individual, but as a manifestation in progressive stages of cosmic consciousness in the first one and then in another aspect or monad. We would not be "us" to be reincarnated, according to this view of things, but the immortal being who dwells in us and in every other particular, but not identify with any of these.


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