Mausoleums Egyptians in the heart of Ticino
This bizarre
It 's a shame that the art historians are not dealing with art almost never cemetery,' cause the campisanti often do not have the sequelae of cold granite crosses, but in many cases, the elegant city parks, where in more ', and' can admire the works of great delicacy of sculpture. Neoclassical temples alternate a romantic figure, small obelisks, stelae, and a whole series of remarkable achievements, which certainly have nothing to do with the dismal gloom of a necropolis
... I was taken by these thoughts (and I must say, by a slight but nagging neck pain, due in all probability 'moisture' winter of that morning), when, suddenly, I saw something that impressed me 'deeply: their own' them ', the sides of the avenue, lined with monuments insignificant or at least common, certainly in the eyes of many passers-by discreet but also, in a way, standing out among so many tombs of far more 'orthodox "bill, check here a mausoleum that had everything, except for "Christian."
The temple, which headed the name of Von Almen, was fully realized in ancient Egyptian style.
What surprises me greatly, because 'I had never seen anything like this in our region. However, for the sake of ceremony, I continued to follow the procession, leaving blur the vision of that Egyptian tomb behind me, but not the thought of returning as soon as possible. In fact, a few days later, when I had the opportunity (it was even more 'hot, and neck pain was gone) I went to the cemetery, decided to investigate better the vision. I took with my Nikon digital, impractical companion investigation, now accustomed to document the secrets of the art ...
In the maze of monuments, I found what I was interested.
The two front columns of the mausoleum were covered with hieroglyphics, the capitals (as in most 'pure Egyptian tradition) reproduced of lotus flowers, and the lintel staked in the effigy of the Sun God, Amon-Ra, a winged sun disk. Inside the mausoleum, as well as a grate, it was possible to see the subject as interesting as a stained glass window. It was the late, shown dressed as a Knight Templar kneeling in a temple (perhaps the Temple of Jerusalem, where the Order of the Poor Knights of Christ was founded?), In front of a pillar-altar. Su the latter, an effigy All-seeing Eye of God, which, compared in the context of "Egyptian" the mausoleum, we should call Udjat Eye of Horus. The golden triangle in which 'marked by the eye, then, resembles the sacred capstone of Heliopolis, the Ben-Ben stone, that the conception was the seed of the Egyptian Sun God
"For the ancient Egyptians, the stone apex or capstone of a pyramid or obelisk phallic (actually 'built a pyramid) represents the pinnacle of their beliefs for more' reasons. To understand the significance of the pyramid we have to resort to the Egyptian creation myths. Of all the myths of creation, the version eliopolitana (...) supports the principle that the universe was a formless void and watery "called Nu or Nun. From the waters of Nun emerged a phallic hill, the "primordial hill". This hill, or mountain, and 'the metaphor of an energy vortex, a circular array created the New Town. This myth of creation and 'the origin of the ancient Egyptian symbol of the Sun, a simple circle with a central point. Some traditions maintain the idea that the waters of Nun surround this "hill" or "mountain", since the first "mountain in the world." (...)
In Egyptian myth of Creation, from this hill phallic Amon-Ra (...) Masturbate 'if' itself up to an explosive orgasm, kicking off with his seed to the birth of the universe and creating it in life. (...) The stone apex of the pyramid, which was applied to columns and obelisks (...) was called Ben-Ben and representing the "seed-to-point" of the Creation. In other words, the pillar ol'obelisco, represents the failure of the supreme god Amon-Ra, who personified the central source of the cosmos and of all creation, while the Ben-ben at the top, 'represented the sperm or the " seminal droplet "that gave rise to this creation" (by Philip Gardiner and Gary Osborn, "The seed of the Stone Building, article that appeared in "Hera", nr. 73 February 2006).
the window, Von Almen was depicted in the act of praying with the sword. Helmet and shield were resting under the altar. The shield (I do not know if they were family dell'armoriale Von Almen) was painted a golden lion, another symbol of solar nature.
Now, it will be 'true that the nineteenth century, especially in the middle of the Napoleonic period, in intellectual circles and in the nobility and upper-class burst' a sort of "egittomania" but I do not think this is enough to justify the construction of a mausoleum amon Catholic on earth, at least by someone who of ideas is fundamentally Christian. I rather think that our Von Almen, who chose to be buried under the aegis of Amon-Ra, and to be represented in adoration Omniscient Eye, was hardly fervent in religion "traditional", but instead it began to some form of religiosity 'esoteric and filomassonica.
of Masonic symbols, the mausoleum and 'chock: The Eye and Omniscient' heads the same as in the Masonic lodges as a picture of GAOTU (Grand Architect of the Universe), the Supreme Being of French revolutionaries, the Temple and 'that' ideal "Temple of Solomon" which, again, of the Masons build within their (sub interioritatis species, as they say the learned), to welcome the Divine Presence, or Shekhinah, the two pillars Jachin and Boas are very famous, and finally, also divided by Knight, brings us back mentally to that Order from which many people believe that Freemasonry itself is derived (only an order that was originally Christian, but soon became a repository of esoteric philosophies). Von Almen
The conclusion that he was a Freemason, or at least an initiate of some tight brotherhood, and 'is only artistic exegesis of the mausoleum, but I'm not' could not find any documentation about it. The only other mention of the family Von Almen I found in Hill d'Oro, and more 'precisely in the cloister of the Church of St. Ambrose in Barbengo (Church where, among other things, there are some interesting hermetic symbols including the sun's disc). Actually, this is another reference, found "google" (apparently the term 'recently entered the vocabulary), but not' no help on the merits of this research. And 'the extract of an article by Christoph Zürcher, which I reproduce below for the sake of completeness:
"Von Almen: hotelier family originally from Lauterbrunnen. The Almen played a leading role in the development of tourism in the Bernese Oberland. Christian (1815-1882), Steinbock Lauterbrunnen manager of the inn, and his wife Margaret Heim (1822-1899) opened in 1888, the Trümmelbachhotel. The hotel is located near the Falls Trümmelbach; in 1913 by Christian in-law, Margaret Von Almen-Hirn, widow of Werner Friedrich (1855-1895) and his son Fritz (-> 1) made available to visitors to the falls. In 1926, Fritz I find 'the two hotels in the Kleine Scheidegg, until then belonged to Adolf Seiler, his stepfather, from 1937 he has been working' as well, as manager, the hotel on Wengernalp, where he became owner in 1958. His son Fritz (1918-1974) went on 'in the conduct of the two hotels of the Little Sheidegg that in the meantime had been joined in one company. The latter's son, Kaspar (* 1926), from 1964 to 1971 the mayor of Lauterbrunnen, I see 'the first Trümmelbachhotel and in 1962 the hotel on Wengernalp "(dhs-by-www.hls
In the following months, the thought of the mausoleum of Von Almen solar constant 'to be processed for the mind. Of course, I could not help but think of groups like the Egyptian Rite of Freemasonry founded by the Count of Cagliostro, which greatly affects' the works of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Mason (see "The Magic Flute" ...), Masonic Order Eastern Ancient and Primitive Rite of Memphis and Misraïm (in whose emblem appears on its winged sun disk), or to those mysterious "Brothers of Heliopolis" which are dedicated Alchemist French books known by the pseudonym of Fulcanelli. The winged sun disk of Amon-Ra is also included in the emblem dell'AMORC, Ancient Mystical Order of Rosicrucians, and more 'in general, we find him as a divine symbol widely used in hermetic field, a field of mysticism and philosophy for ages trying to abstract the idea of \u200b\u200bGod from the traditional portrayal of the elderly bearded man who sits on a throne of clouds, and in fact recover a vision of "archetypal" (the winged sun disk, remember, and 'a symbol of deity' distributed to the ancient civilizations', pre-Columbian America from Mesopotamia, through Persia and Egypt ...) and then "nondenominational." An image that brings us, as well as the all-seeing eye, a universal and syncretic vision of God, transcending the individual religions, they very well and more 'spoken at that great scholars such as J. Campbell, F. Shuon, A. Elenjimittam, CG Jung ...
The surprises were not over. Some time later I was in Morcote for a hike Sunday. The atmosphere was definitely more 'mild, nothing better to visit your wonderful artistic and landscape as the parish church of the town, che si erge maestosa sul fianco del monte. Una bellezza che, come ogni bellezza che si rispetti, costa fatica: in questo caso una lunga, lunga scalinata…
Dal fortunato posteggio sul lungolago raggiunsi in due passi il nucleo storico del borgo, e da li’ presi la stradina che conduce verso la Parrocchiale. Qualche tappa lungo la scalinata, una vista strepitosa sul Ceresio (che quel giorno era di un blu perfetto), fioriture ai lati del sentiero, concerto di uccelli canori.
La Chiesa di Morcote e’ uno dei siti turistici ticinesi piu’ visitati, ma, solitamente, e’ proprio con la Chiesa che finisce il percorso dei turisti, i quali raramente si spingono oltre, di poche decine di metri. Poche decine di metri, in north-east, behind the church lies the cemetery of Morcote. A cemetery where they were buried important cultural figures, in a green open on the eastern mountains.
to my nature I go over to the path of the tourists left the Church, down some steps, crossed a cobblestone path, and I'm now at the entrance of the cemetery. Lintel peeping Uroboros, the snake devouring its own tail tight.
Beyond this threshold, walked among the flower beds. In the cemetery there was none. Better, I always prefer to visit places of art in solitude. The solitude allows you to capture facets secret. To my
surprise, turning his gaze toward the side of the mountain, in an upper part of the cemetery (which is' built on terraces), I saw another mausoleum dedicated to Sun God Another mausoleum built entirely in ancient Egyptian style. Yet the disc of Ra, even columns that culminate in a lotus flower ... but the inscription, this time, bore the name of Baklanoff.
looked at the lake, meditating. Obviously the Von Almen was not found on the eccentric will of a senior Freemason ... Someone else, of which I knew nothing, had arranged to be buried in a tiny solar temple in the Egyptian land Ticino. Baklanoff.
Once again, everything suggests an Initiate, but I knew nothing about this guy except that he had given up the cross, or any other Christian symbol on his grave, in favor of a high symbolic sacredness' as part of a religion that has now disappeared.
Incidentally, I would point out that the solar cult eliopolitano, as well as to worship the Sun as a "visible aspect of the invisible God" and "demiurge" that "ties together the heavens and the earth, plunging down the essence and raising up on the subject, drawing on if 'all things spontaneously, and then giving it to all, spreading generously on all its light "(" Corpus Hermeticus ", XVI, 5) was intended to honor the Sun Inner namely the principle or divine spark inherent in man, that inner sun (Intellect, Nous) mentioned by any ancient Gnostic philosophy, and that makes man the microcosmic image of the Sun itself (see "Corpus Hermeticus", XI, 15) .
I noticed that while the mausoleum of Von Almen had a cubic structure, to Baklanoff had the shape of a pyramid broken (or incomplete), another symbol very dear to the Masonic lodges, which we find, and as' known, banknotes one dollar. The pyramid broken, that 'even without the sacred stone or capstone Ben-ben.
In the following months I tried the online name "Baklanoff. The search engine will reveal ' more 'effective than it was in the case of Von Almen:
"Georges Baklanoff (* St.Petersburg 01.18.1882, † 06.12.1938 Basel). Russian citizen, American citizen since 1917. ∞ (1928) Anne Gebhard, Ludwigshafen (D). After studying directed at Kiev, he took singing lessons from Martin Petz August in Kiev by Ippolit Petrovic Pryanisnikov in St. Petersburg and Milan by Vittorio Vanzo. Debut 'in Kiev in 1903 and then singing' at the Bolshoi in Moscow in the world premiere of works by Sergei Rachmaniov "Il Cavaliere miser" and "Francesca da Rimini" (1906). Since 1910 he was hired and hosted several European and American theaters. She performed 'frequently in Switzerland; 1912 to 1938 he was a regular guest of the City Theatre of Basel. Interpreter extraordinary suggestiveness', with a powerful baritone voice and stamp it safe, produced in the roles of Escamillo (Carmen), Mephistopheles (Faust), Iago (Otello), Amonasro (Aida), Rigoletto, Tonio (Pagliacci), Boris Godunov , Scarpia (Tosca) and Don Giovanni in Basel, Bern, Lucerne and Zurich, lived in Basel since 1932 (from ).
Some pictures of the baritone (along with your footage) are in the site .
Since that day, when I happened to see from the road a cemetery near a church, it was impossible help but glance over the fence, looking for any item you see "Egyptian" which completed the mysterious puzzle, or at least that the expansion, which will better defining those features just mentioned, giving an edge to the design, making me understand .
If now I expected to find other Egyptian tombs like those of Von Almen and Baklanoff, certainly not what I expected 'I found it later! After a visit to Caslano (we speak of the winter after the initial "discovery"), just before setting foot in the car and leave, the late afternoon, I saw something standing out above the wall that surrounded and enclosed the cemetery of the town. I tried something "Egyptian", but what I saw was really beyond my expectations, so that initially I thought that I was deceived. Unfortunately I was in a hurry, so 'I wrote a memo in the phone, and went Caslano few weeks later.
The "what", I glimpsed the first time, was none other than the tip of a pyramid. I know it sounds absurd that all this' I describe is in Ticino, but they are monuments that are visible to everyone, able to look at.
I entered the cemetery, with no doubt that the "tip of the pyramid", in reality ', could be something else. Passing a group of tombs and mausoleums "classical" I arrived in front of the "thing". The "thing" was really an Egyptian-style pyramid (which drew the very emblem of the Grand Orient of Italy). Not only that: a pediment, which saw the now familiar symbol of Amon-Ra, demonstrating the stylistic and symbolic-conceptual link of that mausoleum with other previously discovered.
This time it was the burial place of Helvetius Vicari. Him, so far I have not found any information. Only the mystery, the riddle of the Sphinx, the Sphinx Elvezio Vicari that he wanted to sculpt the base of the pyramid, to seal his secret. In all probability, 'the other face of the Sphinx is not' that what Elvezio Vicari
same ... The Sphinx is located on the right (the observer) of the pyramid. On the left side, the sculpture of a woman (a goddess Isis-Knowledge?), Looks gloomy and silent as the door of the mausoleum.
Two white stem, on both sides of the pyramid solar images instead bear distinctly Christian: This is, obviously, of coarse attempts back to "Christianize" a monument that a Christian has little, probably by the descendants of Helvetius Vicari, who, of course, could not understand the spirit of Masonic initiation and high wisdom that inspired the design of that mausoleum amon. The rear 'History stele and the Christian 'is clearly not only the use of a different material and artistic style, but also by striking disharmony with the rest of the monument.
The Pyramid and the Sphinx of Helvetius Vicari could not but recall to mind a picture of Julien Champagne: "The sphinx protects and dominates the Science" (where you intend Science alchemical), manufactured by French designer for the book of Fulcanelli, "The Mystery of the Cathedrals". An allusion to the knowledge of the Hermetic Vicari?
I discovered three tombs of Egyptian style clay Ticino. Three effigies of Amon-Ra in the vicinity of Lake Lugano. Three monuments erected all clearly inspired by the esoteric Eighteenth century to the early twentieth century, that 'the era of the origin and maximum development of Freemasonry in Switzerland. I had a monument cubic (Von Almen), a pyramid broken (Baklanoff) and made a pyramid (Vicari), that 'the "three sacred forms" of the stone Masonic as well as' fundamental stages of the erection of a pyramid: squaring the stone, construction of the trapezoidal or rectangular truncated pyramid, laying the capstone or sharp stone coping ...
The fourth found in the mausoleum amon Maroggia. It was the tomb of Aldo Sormani. Until now, the last remains of the mausoleum of its kind that I have discovered. In this case the capitals
of the two columns are not decorated with petals of lotus flower, but rather 'heads by the typical Egyptian hairstyle (wig and false beard). The general style of the building recalls the "Egyptian Room" of the Freemason's Hall in Philadelphia also details capitals are similar to those in the American lodge, located at the sides of the seat of the Grand Master.
We also find some interesting mythological characters embossed on the iron lattice, the falcon-headed Horus, bodies and wings (which can be 'hawk, vulture, but also, animal sacred to Isis) and tail ends with a head cobra-Uraeus; figures that resemble in some way, some hybrids are dear to the gnostic-hermetic tradition Alexandrian ... This time, near the mausoleum, there is an obelisk: new reference to the Egyptian myth of creation, the sun worship and the sacred stone Ben-ben. Also on
Aldo Sormani and I 'could find any piece of news.
At this point, and 'possible, even probable, that in Ticino, or at least in the area of \u200b\u200bLugano, there are other mausoleums "Egyptians" and other lost treasures of knowledge, other evidence of a religiosity' and an eschatological faith unconventional and forgotten, but more animated 'persons or more' places in the past three centuries. And I do not think that it is "neo-paganism" as some might think, but rather 'a new awareness and a new way of looking at religiosity' of the ancients, and to seek, and discover, beyond the 'symbols, spiritual messages of value unchanged over the millennia. That "hidden wisdom of ancient Egypt," they wrote C. Jacq, RA Schwaller De Lubics, and other great masters of contemporary fiction. Of messages about the inner sun, and not the star so that '...
is called "Sol Invictus, Sol Invictus, since' disappeared the evening, it seems reborn every morning. The Sun and the mythical 'represented by large symbols such as gold, the lion, the eagle, the cock and the real principle, the crown, in society 'human. In addition to the vital principle, the Sun also reveals the principle of birth, death and rebirth. On the other hand, its warm light, that 'knowledge on, kill the monsters of the darkness and illuminates the heroes and those who surmount the trials of life as those in the path of initiation. Symbolically, the Sun shows the spirit and the universal consciousness that open "(by JB," Dictionnaire de la Franc-Illustré Maçonnerie).
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