Christian Jacq
Many mysteries surround the history of the Collina d'Oro, charming and legendary land, history and magic, situated at the southern border of Switzerland.
suggestive because, with its mild climate and lush landscape, the lush gardens and forests of beech and chestnut trees, villages, palaces and towers, the slopes washed by the lake, has always fascinated poets and artists, becoming the subject their romances, the 'Arcadia' of their webs. Legendary for his name so that enigmatic, which probably refers to an ancient fable that would have existed on the hill, in the past, a large golden stone pure.
historic because, besides being home to architects who worked around the world (and particularly in Moscow and St. Petersburg, earning the thanks of the Czar), he became, even for being placed near the center of Europe, a region or passing, the home of great personalities of international culture (just to quote Hermann Hesse, Thomas Mann, Alexandre Benois, Bruno Walter ...), and even meeting place of political conspiracy: arriving at the gates of Certenago, pretty generic eighteenth century, There is in fact in front of the imposing and elegant villa of the Marquis de Nobili, who hosted in his rooms some of the most famous exponents of the Risorgimento Italian, names such as Filippo Caracciolo, Ugo La Malfa, Egidio Reale, as well as friends and family of Giuseppe Mazzini, as well as numerous activists and the period of anti-conspirators, I think of Allen Dulles, head of the CIA or the British general John Mac Keffery .
Magica, finally, because among the people who visited there were personality in some way related to higher levels of esoteric knowledge (the same Hermann Hesse was, according to some, a member of the ancient Order of the Rose Cross, while among those who find accommodations in Villa de Nobili, it is easy for members or at least sympathizers of Freemasonry) and, not least because the art of this land seems sacred symbols conceal the enigmatic secrets of the projects. In other words, what it looks to be an ancient Via Initiation, which remained hidden to this day ...
It was only in the nineteenth century that the name "Golden Hill" appeared on an official act, and more especially on a document drawn up by Liberal Party of the Franks. Party in Canton Ticino, which two centuries ago, it was practically a synonym for "Freemasonry." And (why not?) Precisely those same Freemasons who once built churches and cathedrals of the Old World may have had an important role in choosing the name "Collina d'Oro" or at least he wanted to seal, by this act, a name of origin oral older.
Even the banners of arms of noble families of the Hill "overflow," so to speak, of Masonic symbols, alchemical and Rosicrucian (square and compasses, Solomon's seal, owl, tree of life, scale, green lion ...). A wealth of arcane symbols that can be found in the mausoleums of the same families (when they appear effigies of well known builders tools, together with bas-reliefs depicting the Ouroboros sometimes, sometimes the Flower of the Apocalypse, sometimes the Celtic Cross or the temple, sometimes the 'All-seeing eye).
What does this mean? For what purpose such a deployment of allegories, symbols and subtle references to the secret doctrine of the hermetic? And more importantly, could this have some hidden connection with the cult of the Sun that since prehistoric times appears to have had in the regions insubrica one of its major cities?
We know that in Celtic times, many clan Europeans came into contact with the Egyptian civilization. A contact that started with the war (the siege of Abydos, for example) and ended with a cultural exchange. Druids received by Egyptian priests rich initiation mystery, a wisdom which, on their return to Gaul, handed down to posterity.
We also know that some holy sites in Gaul were renamed with Egyptian names (such as the case of the Celts of Armorica they called the alignment of Carnac menhirs in honor of the Egyptian temple of Karnak). And even the mysteries of Tooth, Horus and Amon-Ra to be found, just veiled in the Druidic worship of Theutatis, Jul Belenos and, like Isis and Nephtis meets in the representation of female deities of Gaul (some of which are then absorbed by the Christianity, just think of some holy or the famous "Black Virgin").
One of the main Egyptian myths, eliopolitana source says that the Sun, the day of creation, descended on the primordial hill, a small mountain source from the cosmic waters of Nu, and there spread the life generating everything. The seed of life the sun was symbolized by the Benben stone, the sacred stone of gold kept in the temple of Annu (Heliopolis), the stone pyramid that would become an important Masonic symbol, the symbol of the Supreme Being.
These myths, remember, told the story of the bright blue yes, but also interior of the Sun, the Amon-Ra who dwells secretly in every individual, and waiting to be revealed through the initiative, whose task is precisely to penetrate the layers that separate the consciousness from the Golden Core. As the "Koran", "God is the light of heaven and earth, and resembling His Light in a niche, which is a lamp, and lamp is a crystal and the crystal is like a bright star (...) You light up daylight, and God guides to His light whom He wills "(XXIV, 35), followed by Angelus Silesius hand in hand with his" Cherubic Pilgrim "" God dwells in light which no road leads: who does not become light, does not see him for ever "...
Returning home after having been initiated in Egypt, the Celts might Insubria, logically, have recognized in the Golden Hill (a small mountain that stands between the waters of "Lake Lugano", ie the lake of the god Lug, Lake of the Sun God), the "first hill" described by the priests of Heliopolis. E yet, the legendary "golden stone" that would have existed in the Hill long ago, may have been nothing but the image of the sacred Celtic Benben stone, which, as argued by Egyptologists, was probably completely covered d 'gold, the metal of the Sun, the flesh of the Gods. "
Even the etymology of "Agra", the name of the village built at the top of the hill, seen in this perspective might result (rather than "acer" or "aga", respectively "maple" or "water" as suggested by some) from the Egyptian "Akh-Ra," and mean So light of dawn (Agra is the first village in Golden Hill to be illuminated by the rays of the sun in the morning). A curiosity: The Church of Agra is dedicated to St. Thomas (patron saint of architects and masons) where the saint is depicted with the team and holding a project ...
Noranco The village, which in the dialect of the region is called Nuranc, would seem to combine the three "key words" of Creation: The Egyptian Nu, Ra, Ankh. Or, in other words, the place where the sun appeared from Nun, Ra, and it's life, Ankh. And, just happened Noranco-NuRâAnkh is located at the foot of Golden Hill, where those slopes is done symbolically Division of the Order of Chaos, represented by the separation of the Hill from the lake. We know that in Egyptian temples, particularly those loyal to the cosmogony eliopolitana, artificial lakes were created to represent the Nun. No wonder therefore that the same symbolic association may have taken place with a lake "authentic", like that of Lugano, already previously sacred to the God of the Sun
Many archaeological finds in the region (including some artifacts in the Museum of Riva San Vitale) really refer to the worship of the sun, and if you think that (according to the latest research) or even the designers of solar megalithic temple of Stonehenge in England, came insubrica lands, this leads us to understand what the Star of the day was important and venerable to the prehistoric inhabitants of the Canton Ticino and Celtic.
But the trail of an emerging cult due to the Sun, in Lugano, definitely do not disappear with the coming of Christianity (who has played a key role in the destruction of the ancestral forms of religion), and indeed, seems to have survived the Middle Ages. In the Church of St. abundance, the liturgical heart of Golden Hill, and two valuable sundials, there is a golden sun disk of the Baroque period, close to a hawk (also gold) that recalls very closely the ' Egyptian Horus. The Church itself, with its tall and slender tower, cypress trees and grassland plains that surround it, seems conceived as the gnomon of a giant sundial. An inscription on the southern facade of the building, seems to give us confirmation: "I even miss the absence of the Sun" ...
the same period, a fresco depicting the Sun in the Church of St. Ambrose in Barbengo. In some religious buildings of the Hill is portrayed even the Supreme Masonic (symbol, remember, is an image of the Benben Stone, the Seed of Ra).
But it is taking a map or a photograph of the Hill of Gold from above, that many of these enigmatic Coincidences begin to assume a precise meaning. Map highlighting the eighteen places of worship in the region (many, for a territory so few hectares) with road layouts that bind them together (tracks that have not changed much over the centuries) we will find that they draw on the territory the stylized figure of a lion. And that's not all nine of these Churches (exactly half of eighteen, with all references to the sacred numerology that this entails) are modeled accurately as many stars in the constellation Leo (the Lion astrology).
Leo is considered the dawn of time and a gold symbol of the Sun Sacred to Amon-Ra, it is also the guardian of our inner time. It symbolizes the archetype of Christ-and the fire of life.
But there's more. The Lion, in the coded language of the Alchemists, is the process of purification and spiritualization of raw metals, which are transformed into gold. It is therefore another name of the enigmatic and hidden Philosopher's Stone, which is primarily a symbol of inner nature. In this view, the esoteric path of Collina d'Oro, guided by the shape of the cosmic Leone, shows the path of the wayfarers Palingenesis hermetic, namely, the pilgrimage that leads to the Light of Knowledge and the initiation of self glorification. The eighteen
Churches, and more particularly corresponding to the nine stars (the stars were a symbol of steps Mystic, as evidenced by the Way of the Field of Stars, Santiago de Compostela), form the outline of this avenue of research hidden Essence of Creation.
Since ancient times, the major initiatory brotherhoods have built temples in the image of the firmament, to unite the land to the perfection of the heavens. In some Apocryphal Gospels of Nag Hammadi is mentioned, one of these congregations of scholars, builders and architects, called the Organization. His philosophical principles are also found in the Corpus Hermeticus and Picatrix. The study of the history of Freemasonry inevitably leads the researcher to go beyond the data "conventional" of its foundation, by treating the underlying principles in the guilds of masons and charpentiers medieval or even earlier. The ancient pyramids of Giza
accurately reflect the belt of the constellation of Orion, the temples of Angkor, the constellation of the Dragon, some French cathedrals dedicated to Notre Dame would seem the earthly copy of the Virgo (Virgin) astrology, seven Cistercian abbeys are inspired, In their place, the design of the Big Dipper.
"As above so below, and as is so low is high," read the famous lines of Tabula Smaragdina of Hermes Trismegistus. This indicates the union of opposites, the mystical marriage between the Yin and Yiang, the marriage between Uranus and Gaia, Heaven and Earth.
was one of those mysterious brotherhoods, in all probability, to drive in secret from the beginning and development of sacred art in the Golden Hill for almost nine hundred years, from medieval times to the nineteenth century (the century in which the finished construction work of buildings of worship). Not by chance, as we mentioned, in the armorial bearings of the noble families are symbols of mastery compagnonaggio or seal. From master to apprentice, as used by the initiated, the project was handed down and continued until the goal was achieved: Golden Hill had become a reflection of the sky, a reflection of the constellation Leo.
To prove this, the Church and the monument which would correspond to the star Regulus (Heart of Lions), were named after St. Abbondio Como, who was known in ancient times, for having resurrected the son of a nobleman called Regulus ... (!). Unlikely to be a mere coincidence. Not only the height of the tower (40 meters and 50 centimeters), if interpreted esoterically with the principles of Islamic DàWah (a system that is based on a whole theological tradition of correspondences between letters of the alphabet, numbers, attributes of God, signs Zodiac, etc.., explicit in the table Jawâhirùl-Khamsah) should be associated with the name King of Kings Light or Light (Malik Nur), a name that certainly draws the Regulus (lit. "Little King"), the brightest star of Leo astrological. Connection even more obvious if we think that the divine attribute Malik (King, 40) is bound by Arab scholars in the fifth sign of the zodiac, Leo indeed. Augustine Camuzzi, the architect who was commissioned to redesign the nineteenth century bell tower of St. Abbondio after the spire was destroyed by lightning, and which must, therefore, the choice of this particular height (40.50 m) lived in an age of rediscovery of the Arab world and Egypt in particular, e perciò il fatto che possa aver utilizzato una tavola come quella di Jawâhirùl-Khamsah per affidare alle misure del nuovo campanile un messaggio in codice per gli Iniziati non dovrebbe lasciarci perplessi più di quel tanto. Tanto più che sia nel campanile che nel suggestivo palazzo edificato dal Camuzzi nel nucleo storico di Montagnola unendo stile russo e lombardo, numerosi elementi lasciano supporre una vicinanza dell’architetto alla sapienza esoterica e massonica. Basti pensare che, nelle proporzioni geometriche e numeriche del campanile di St. Abbondio, ritroviamo quelle della figura umana, dei sette cieli degli antichi, del Purgatorio dantesco, delle fasi alchemiche.
Curiosamente, anche il moderno gonfalone comunale della Golden Hill seems to evoke the esoteric mysteries of this land, and in particular the references to sun worship and skill builders. In the arms, in fact, the figure of a hill from the water source, a golden sun disk in the sky above the small mountain, a path that winds along the pristine hills, and finally a team scarlet in the center, the symbol par excellence of the rectification of the self ...
"Collina d'Oro Secret seeks to shed light on some of these mysteries from the past re-emerged, providing readers the keys to a better understanding of sacred symbols in their deep and mystical meaning.
proposing at all times to its users a comparison (And complement each other) between the various wisdom traditions and hermeneutics, this book will not give definite answers to the many doubts and questions raised from the explanations of the complex and fascinating inner CONVERSION, but show how you can give images of architecture, painting and sculpture, multifaceted interpretation and free from the tight confines of a single religion or philosophy. Everyone, regardless of his beliefs and his cultural background, can be found in the esoteric path of Collina d'Oro a path of spiritual development and flowering, as this path has been created for the universal human being ...
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