Sunday, May 11, 2008

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The Baphomet

Dyeing of Wisdom

is bitterly note the order of the Knights Templar. An order that has often lumped together in history, the revolutionary movements and their authors, and I refer particularly to those who, in the past, not so much trying to change the conditions of life, policy or technology, but rather the thought of a civilization. The Templars, and by that I mean not necessarily to each member of the Order, were certainly revolutionary for their time, without promoting new or original values. The new and original values \u200b\u200bdo not exist and never existed: eternal ideas is always present to us in new and different forms. But returning to the Knights of the Temple of Jerusalem, they were able to recover or at least to show in their time, thought, the "mindset" of those groups who seek the truth always thinner than the great mass of the faithful of any doctrine . In the particular case, the Poor Knights of Christ sought and discovered some truths about Christianity (and others) that clearly and ineluctably divided them from the rest of Christendom to a point of no return.
honestly do not believe (and indeed have many elements that lead me to see the contrary) that the Templars were "unjustly" accused by the Inquisition to have made substantial changes to their religious and liturgical orientation. I refer, in addition to the alleged denial of certain dogmas, rituals and symbols of belief in force, the adoption of new types of worship, including the infamous "Baphomet". Sadly, I say, as they du it has been said and written it all and more, often with no real knowledge cause, often falling into the ridiculous or even the charge of Satanism. The exact nature of the Baphomet, in his appearance, meaning and role have been numerous hazardous situation, which of course I will not explain. Now, if it is true that some scholars (mainly to distract the public from the idea of \u200b\u200ba demonic cult of the Templars), reject the traditional image of Baphomet as a being of hybrid and grotesque appearance, fitted with wings and horns, cross between a faun, a devil and a gargoyle, suggesting that it might be, in reality, an icon or a relic of the Christian (perhaps the Veil of Veronica, the Shroud, or even the real head of Jesus, secondo alcuni), ritengo questa la versione meno probabile.
Perchè, mi chiedo, “avvilire” l’oggetto di adorazione segreta dei Templari ad un cimelio di natura fin troppo “ortodossa”, assimilandolo a quanto si sarebbe potuto venerare in qualsiasi Chiesa dell’epoca? Non dimentichiamo che reliquie più o meno importanti, attribuite non solo ai Santi ma allo stesso Gesù, circolavano in quantità non proprio irrilevanti in ogni angolo dell’Europa medievale, tanto che gli storici odierni (seri) arrivano a chiedersi quanto “smisurato” dovesse essere il corpo dei Santi, quante fossero le “vere croci” di Cristo, quanti i “veri chiodi” utilizzati for the crucifixion, as the grail, as the shrouds ...
No, I do not think this was the interest of the Knights Templar. Not a relic, even "holy". Of "holy" relics if they were in every church that counts. I do not think of Initiates of high grade as the Templars, in addition come into contact with authentic Islamic and Jewish esotericism giants who built and, in return, from cathedrals substrate technology unthinkable at the time (and the accompanying symbolic still not fully understood and certainly largely divorced Christian iconography), could devote their highest devotion to a piece of religious history. Many monuments from the period would suggest the contrary, that the Templars had abandoned the tight walls of religion, only interested in the Truth that lies beyond the cults and doctrines.
But then, if we wanted to support the idea that the mysterious Baphomet was really a hybrid of demonic aspect, so much misunderstood and maligned (by the Inquisition before, then the public), a being so alien to "normal "conceptions of devotional be a source of heresy for his" worship ", how can we explain the true nature of this symbol? Cedo that in an age of terror and coercion such as that in which they lived and worked the Templars, was certainly unwise to make use of a symbol of Baphomet as ambiguous as that, unless this is not rivestisse a didactic function that (in the context of initiation of the Order) to justify the risks. With "didactic" I mean large-scale carrier esoteric messages, messages may easily transmitted using other allegorical images.

begin this analysis is the "appearance" grotesque "the Baphomet. It is undeniable that many initiatory societies over the centuries have made extensive use of symbols "grotesque", and this because, in my view, these images functioned in some ways from the "Guardians of the Threshold. By this I mean that, using (in books and rituals) of the symbols that were intimidated by their very nature or at least puzzled the "right-thinking" (and by this I mean the bigots), this would lead to a natural skimming "among those who approached the sacred sciences and in particular the Ars Regia. "Who's Afraid refrain," seem to whisper some monsters, dragons and skeletons, crows and wolves blacks from the pages of the manuscripts of alchemy. "Who's Afraid refrain." Fear of symbols to see what the Catechism has not used, or from which it has explicitly tried to get away. Fear of trying to understand the meaning of something that seems far from our understanding of the sacred. Only those who decide to cross the threshold, as it intends to seek, discover and understand the true meaning of certain symbols, is the hero who go through the door of the Mysteries.
The idea of \u200b\u200ban approach to the "grotesque" has the function to change the way we think about approaching the sacred not only aiming at the most beautiful, the good, the perfect, high in heaven. "Grotesque" is synonymous with "strange", "bizarre," "capricious," "ridiculous," "monstrous," "funny," "absurd," "paradoxical" and it is in fact in all these ways that may seem the Sacred. "This place is terrible," said Jacob discovering God in a stone of Bethel, while Krishna, the "Baghavadgita," says Arjuna as it may be disconcerting vision of Brahman.
The grotesque image of Initiation at the gates intended to indicate the ability to search (and find) the sacred in every manifestation of reality. Most religions offer us the messianic story of a God who was born in a stable or a cave, to emphasize that the "gods" of things not to be found elsewhere in a mythical and higher, but the roots of the occult world and ourselves (Osiris is a Black God). Many raise his eyes, imagining a God who is up there somewhere and who knows what in heaven, but they forget that it would take a break to raise a piece of wood or stone, as you said the "Gospel of Thomas" to see the true face of God, God who is immanent in every atom of creation and in every aspect of it manifests itself fully and without reservation. Behind the door and waits. Knock, and it will be opened. The
Funzine of "Guardian of the Threshold grotesque taken by the Templar Baphomet, should be likened to that of the Egyptian god Bes. This deity, even the "minor" in the Egyptian pantheon, played a major role in the mystery rituals, and its role as guardian of access to the mysteries (as well as driving into the mysteries), we found even centuries after the fall of the Pharaonic civilization, such as in the Roman villa of the Marquis Palombara. Bes was depicted as a grotesque dwarf squat and hairy, sometimes good-natured sometimes threatening, often holding torches and weapons to ward off evil spirits or musical instruments; is winged in the representations that range from New Kingdom to the religious revolution of Akhenaten. This recalls the (alleged) of Baphomet, which in addition, according to some versions, he had goat's head (or just the horns), a lighted torch between the horns and female breasts (which, in contrast to the masculinity the goat would signal the androgynous nature of this mysterious being.) The look horrible, rough, or burlesque and of Baphomet Bes could also indicate the nature of foul Commodity alchemy, which, remember, is said to be vile and despicable in the eyes of many, before being transmuted dall'ermetico works or artists , which alone will make the substance golden and radiant after the long and difficult journey Magnus Opus. The wings, then, a symbol of elevation and purity that transcends the mundane, create an antithesis between nature and "raw" Commodity and its appearance melamine. Indicate that the initial substance is sublime. The posture in which the royal Baphomet is represented in the raw material would highlight the coexistence of a leaden quality exterior and a hidden gold. The torch on the head of the idol temple indicate the Secret Fire is necessary in order to extract gold from nature and leave the gang. The androgyny of the seal of Baphomet is finally sealed its essence: it is man and woman, sun and moon, Mercury and Sulphur. About

due cause of the name "Baphomet", the versions are numerous. It would, according to some, a corruption of "Mahomet" and "Mohammed", the European version of Arabic "Mohammed". Yeah, but why, I wonder, would the Knights of the Temple should include in their rituals such scimmiottatura the name of the Prophet of Islam? Equally it seems unlikely that the release would "Baphomet" as a derivative of "Behemoth" (Beasts), referring to the Beast of the 'Apocalypse of St. John. " I deem it too cumbersome to the proposal made by etymological E. Levi J. Argentier "Temp.oph.Ab", an anagram of "Baphomet" is the contraction of the Latin 'Templi omnium hominum pacis abhasa "or" abbas Templi omnium hominum. " I admire instead the idea of \u200b\u200bIdries Shah, who envisions a "Baphomet" generated from the Arabic "Abufihamat. The meaning would then be "Father of the Unknown," a name that certainly seems to be "forged" affixed to the mysterious temple idol. However, personally, I think another way to bring us even closer all'impervia goal. Already embarked on a road, but, I think, not fully covered, by those who see the "Baphomet" a word of Greek origin. "Baphe" and "Metis" are the original words that, combined, would give rise to the name "Baphomet" according to J. And M. von Hammer-Pyrgstall Summers. If so, the name of the enigmatic creature would indicate a "Baptism of Wisdom." But it is also You can replace "Metis" with "Metheos", that "Baphemetheos" should be read as "baptism by fire" (which explains, among other things, the probable liturgical function of the "Baphomet" for excellence in the temple festival, which took place during the day of Pentecost).
brilliant intuition that, despite everything, in my humble opinion is a right way traveled only half its discoverers witty. I would therefore like to analyze a final hypothesis, which I think we draw closer to the core of esoteric studies of the Order of the Knights Templar. Who knows the story of the origins of Alchemy Hellenistic and Egyptian-Ptolemaic Panopolis of the works of Zosimus and the other authors of the period (but we can go up to the Gnostic Basilides), will know that the term "Baphe" also and above all had a different meaning than "Baptism," which is to "dye". It is here that, in my opinion, a careful hermeneut should linger. "Dyeing" is not a random term and even in secondary landscape Ars Regia, and indeed, is the central pillar of the whole doctrine trasmutatoria. The idea of \u200b\u200b"dye" in the ancient world, as I have explained (see " Presentation of the book Reflections on the Great Work " and the video " Interview with writer Sebastian B. Brocchi "), and today was not the simplistic" to the color of a thing to another, but rather a philosophical concept, almost a miraculous event, meaning the real and complete change of nature of an entity, by Dye receives essential identity of all new. So for example if we speak of "red dye" in Alchemy, it refers to the total transmutation of base metal into pure gold. There is no mention of that is what today would be called "gold", but the change "molecular" of a metal that becomes truly golden and all the effects, so it can undergo and successfully pass the repeated "trial by fire." As is known, however, the true Alchemy (Ergon or Opera) known to the Initiates was a virgin from contacts with the laboratory and with the simple Spagiria (Parergon Parody or Opera) and in the laboratory was situated. I think the Knights Templar, or at least the inner core and the secret of the Order, was focused on the diligent search for the true Philosopher Dyeing: Dyeing of metals but not of man, not chemical dye obtained in a test tube, but "Dyeing of Wisdom "policy in spirit and truth.


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