friends ... class (from the People's Action blog)
performance on stage November 28, 2008
the Teatro San Luca di Torino

with Fabrizio Vespa and Michele Di Mauro
now know their feeling on stage, their synchronized style, their ability to communicate that reaches every audience. This time the theme was not the most techno-Sufi already appreciated in the past, but the present, reality and virtuality that we live on the street, on the streets, in parades, on TV, PC, etc.. Hundreds of provocative images, though mute, spoke - or rather shouting - in the background through a masterly rhetoric of associations, questioning the sensitivity of the spectators: they were united in, by way 'of oxymoron (one of the most popular techniques by Pasolini), the faces of the demonstrators No Global, No TAV, victims of unjust violence unheard of (style Bolzaneto and Diaz), in contrast with the faces water-soap (and diapers) of white wires Uno Mattina, Bush, the pseudo-noble-variety show that fills containers and garbage cans and sounds mundane television ... In short, the ever-present, though now degraded and undignified, class struggle of Marx's mind, with less spicy salsa, the aftertaste prevalent today because of the middle class and everything flattens out, but not social classes are all the same, rather they are the enemy ... klasse of enemy, indeed! In the show, therefore, we wanted to give some shot in the stomach, apparently setting up a game fireworks, which awakens, in fact, since public awareness of deep slumber. How? Through the texts of literature! Once again we are indebted to the classics, like dwarfs, which we continue to walk on their shoulders by those giants. Bukowski, Levi still have yet moved so our consciences, camouflaged among his contemporaries. All thanks to the skill of Di Mauro, with his voice, awaken, evoke, characterized, ironically rhythmically based on the soundtrack, dipinta fluidamente per lui, da un pittore del suono qual è Fabrizio Vespa.
Dario Coppola

Descrizione ufficiale del lancio stampa
Parole e Musiche da un autoradio-bomba con Michele Di Mauro e Fabrizio Vespa.Un reading-spettacolo che contiene Mark Leyner, Yassir Benmiloud, Aldo Nove, Charles Bukowski, Amelie Nothomb, Giorgio Manganelli, Nigel Williams, Wislava Szimborska e Primo Levi.60 Minuti di letteratura in musica per ritrovare nelle parole e nei suoni di altri ciò che fa di un interesse pesonale un valore collettivo, di un'attenzione particolare un atto di denuncia, di uno sguardo mirato pistola.Sul a shot of a stage actor and a DJ. Together they create the project ORO.COMPRO BUY GOLD is a project started in early 2007 from an idea of \u200b\u200bthe Players Club in Turin. E 'reading a live soundtrack, with some special features. In fact, every performance is presented in an anthology of texts from various sources while reading the soundtrack is provided by mixed cds and discs if necessary. The result is that the material is handled and literary - one might say - just like the remixed audio material.

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