The information in Italy: a dog Walking

Dario Coppola
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Premessa: In Italia pagare il pizzo non è considerato reato, anche se si può venire espulsi dalla Confindustria... Non basta frequentare mafiosi per essere condannati per mafia, Mastella ha fatto da testimone di nozze a un mafioso..., bisogna ricevere o fare favori (vedi Cuffaro), or for any external competition. The penalty can affect a small share similar behaviors, so it is for the electorate to reject them.
The role of the press is to tell what may influence society. The information is organized in Italy in such a way that even unnecessary censorship. It is produced and packaged it all in a natural, even self-censorship, on automatic pilot: all journalists already know how long his leash, no need to call the classic, this system is also more advanced than on TV print.
Are there particular types of editors, publishers such as unclean, those - that - that are also publishers, Unlike pure editor. Murdoch, for example, is a pure editor, even if his TV is not the emblem of the good taste he has, however, a pure editor.
Also in Italy, paradoxically, Murdoch is the best editor because it is pure editor. He is neither a member of Bush or Blair or someone for him ... is a member of those who want.
The Italian press, however, is in the hands of publishers in conflict with the publishing industry:
see the changing of the editorial the newspaper La Stampa that the first was close to Berlusconi, and now no more;
Corriere della Sera, for example , is fifteen RCS shareholders with a small percentage that includes Unicredit, Capitalia, Banca Intesa, Fiat, Mediobanca, in short, Lucchini, Montezemolo, Ligresti, Della Valle, Tronchetti Provera ... this newspaper, the oldest newspaper in Italy, must take account of all his masters. THE MESSENGER is
Caltagirone, the father of Casini, as well as THE MORNING THE GAZZETTINO of Naples and Venice. Oddly Casini this newspaper is always on the front page even when it does not matter ... Caltagirone is a big manufacturer, its newspapers are unlikely to attack the mayor of Rome, for example, rather it enhances the construction plans because a particular interest. The editors have impure conflict of interest.
Berlusconi has a hundred newspapers, so that can not be the main features of the printed page!
In Italy there are very few pure publishers. What are the consequences of this fact? It 'hard to find, for example, insightful investigations on mineral water or whatever ... why these companies are among the advertisers of the most important publishers of these newspapers.
To balance the pressures that are avoidable and unavoidable everyone can do his own newspaper, and there are even too many ... there is always another place to go, speaking of the print media.
readers, however, will not reach the number of viewers, and in fact this situation is different on TV where there are no frequencies, and even though the satellite is unlimited however, is subject to charges. The TV is therefore the main problem. And the blog? The most popular (to Grillo) has two hundred thousand visitors ... The TV has tens of millions of viewers!
There is the courage to make a law ch

The TV boasts a record of publishing impure.
La7 Telecom, which is the concessionaire of the state; TG La7 does not exceed 2% and people prefer to see the news report by Murdoch. The many channels of digital terrestrial Gasparri are fantasy.
The authority for the telecommunications and privacy involved when a party is corrupt and not complain. Why? Why are nominated by the parties themselves and work for them (Forza Italy accused of dealing with privacy ...). To what authority intervenes instead? De Magistris, who is sent away to Sircana being photographed for these things well, but when it violated the privacy really is not involved.
Today you have to be good at hiding (once it was the other) because the ability of TG is not to talk about important things or talk about it too ... Five years Bruno Vespa speaks of the crime of Cogne, of the bipolar or the massacre of Erba. And, moreover, already know who are the culprits! False cases! Sabina Guzzanti defines them as the 'weapons of mass destruction. "
Mentana and Floris are able to send in wave false problems even if they do it with more refinement, and are more subtle deception. In their debates, each has its say and everyone can say anything, even to express contradictory positions, but have not discussed the facts: the reality is cleverly concealed with the staging of a process, during which the debate is a technique to trick .
speak evil of those who says bad things is another very common on TV, saying "You are a Communist!", Which confuses the reality of the plan focusing on the person to denigrate. Another technique
television and media, in general, is to steal the meaning of the words: Call 'missions peace 'wars, for example, or Berlusconi' acquitted 'instead of' prescribed 'or, instead Craxi' fugitive ', called' exile 'as if it was talking about or Pertini Amendola ...

Ditto for the waste in the Campania region: the situation does not change just by eliminating Bassolino. The idea, according to which Pecoraro Scanio is behind all this ... means removing the other idea for which, after all this, we are the mafia, or Camorra.
Our information is therefore a dog walking and not a guard dog! Retrieved from
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