Why I'm back!
Hello everyone !!!!! finally back after a long time with you. My long absence is due to problems which are completely incomprehensible with an internet connection that still causes me problems. The beauty is that it seems that it is not anyone's fault (or at least all the ones I have contacted Reply my questions have declined the responsibility ... what a strange !)... but really?!? The result is that we still have trouble uploading images. Have then a little 'patience and do not worry if you miss me yet because now you know why. Hello, hello!
Friday, January 28, 2011
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Scenes From The Movie The Dentist
Back to your attention Mr. Berlusconi
Edgardo Rossi
Mr Berlusconi I'm writing it again, I had already done (and twice), but surely she did not remember, it is taken from his party, his proclamations, jokes and inventiveness with which to entertain the various amenities powerful of the Earth in various international forums attended by you, or to be considerate landlord when someone is home. It knows that its jokes and gags have been around the world and deserves to lead in praise.
To be honest I am very sorry to lose time because of it, but I do it willingly knowing that she is living in severe anguish, and help those who suffer is a very human act.
Within the core of this to give my advice, resign! Go to live in his castle in Antigua, he spends his time organizing parties, tell jokes and sing songs to entertain guests surely will not miss (besides it seems that these things have a natural talent, not throw it away).
She already has a certain age, managed to go unscathed from the many events unclear in which involves, in the many processes that require timing still faces long, it will not have time to see the end. If you love someone and if he wants a bit ' good to his constituents (the mass of the people say that she deceives and process circuit for years a bit 'as the useful idiot) goes to live in the tropics.
You do not know, or do not remember, but had a famous predecessor as perjury (we swear on the heads of children and grandchildren, but what is a fiction about what we?) And business man involved in doubt, you Cepperello called Prato, better known as Master Ciappelletto, figure immortalized by Boccaccio. He is consistent to the end, he made his greatest deception on his deathbed and earned holiness. She does not have the same thickness as the notary was Tuscan, could prolong its decay by engaging in trying to destabilize the institutions democratic, has already taken steps to lay off a series of laws ad personam, are not sufficient because this country has a Constitution, often rejected but still be able to distinguish the legitimate from the crime. It is likely to be a Sisyphean effort, and in the long run could also foot the bill for what he did. Do not go from this world leaving only rubble, its historical memory is already compromised now, not the worst, if they go on holiday, perhaps even those who might find sympathizes. Now it's just piling mockery, is not sick?
but little esteem I greet you with great sincerity.
Edgardo Rossi
Mr Berlusconi I'm writing it again, I had already done (and twice), but surely she did not remember, it is taken from his party, his proclamations, jokes and inventiveness with which to entertain the various amenities powerful of the Earth in various international forums attended by you, or to be considerate landlord when someone is home. It knows that its jokes and gags have been around the world and deserves to lead in praise.
To be honest I am very sorry to lose time because of it, but I do it willingly knowing that she is living in severe anguish, and help those who suffer is a very human act.
Within the core of this to give my advice, resign! Go to live in his castle in Antigua, he spends his time organizing parties, tell jokes and sing songs to entertain guests surely will not miss (besides it seems that these things have a natural talent, not throw it away).
She already has a certain age, managed to go unscathed from the many events unclear in which involves, in the many processes that require timing still faces long, it will not have time to see the end. If you love someone and if he wants a bit ' good to his constituents (the mass of the people say that she deceives and process circuit for years a bit 'as the useful idiot) goes to live in the tropics.
You do not know, or do not remember, but had a famous predecessor as perjury (we swear on the heads of children and grandchildren, but what is a fiction about what we?) And business man involved in doubt, you Cepperello called Prato, better known as Master Ciappelletto, figure immortalized by Boccaccio. He is consistent to the end, he made his greatest deception on his deathbed and earned holiness. She does not have the same thickness as the notary was Tuscan, could prolong its decay by engaging in trying to destabilize the institutions democratic, has already taken steps to lay off a series of laws ad personam, are not sufficient because this country has a Constitution, often rejected but still be able to distinguish the legitimate from the crime. It is likely to be a Sisyphean effort, and in the long run could also foot the bill for what he did. Do not go from this world leaving only rubble, its historical memory is already compromised now, not the worst, if they go on holiday, perhaps even those who might find sympathizes. Now it's just piling mockery, is not sick?
but little esteem I greet you with great sincerity.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Sadler Oxford Answers
Our rating: Enemies of Klasse (2008) Fabrizio De Andrè
friends ... class (from the People's Action blog)
performance on stage November 28, 2008
the Teatro San Luca di Torino

with Fabrizio Vespa and Michele Di Mauro
now know their feeling on stage, their synchronized style, their ability to communicate that reaches every audience. This time the theme was not the most techno-Sufi already appreciated in the past, but the present, reality and virtuality that we live on the street, on the streets, in parades, on TV, PC, etc.. Hundreds of provocative images, though mute, spoke - or rather shouting - in the background through a masterly rhetoric of associations, questioning the sensitivity of the spectators: they were united in, by way 'of oxymoron (one of the most popular techniques by Pasolini), the faces of the demonstrators No Global, No TAV, victims of unjust violence unheard of (style Bolzaneto and Diaz), in contrast with the faces water-soap (and diapers) of white wires Uno Mattina, Bush, the pseudo-noble-variety show that fills containers and garbage cans and sounds mundane television ... In short, the ever-present, though now degraded and undignified, class struggle of Marx's mind, with less spicy salsa, the aftertaste prevalent today because of the middle class and everything flattens out, but not social classes are all the same, rather they are the enemy ... klasse of enemy, indeed! In the show, therefore, we wanted to give some shot in the stomach, apparently setting up a game fireworks, which awakens, in fact, since public awareness of deep slumber. How? Through the texts of literature! Once again we are indebted to the classics, like dwarfs, which we continue to walk on their shoulders by those giants. Bukowski, Levi still have yet moved so our consciences, camouflaged among his contemporaries. All thanks to the skill of Di Mauro, with his voice, awaken, evoke, characterized, ironically rhythmically based on the soundtrack, dipinta fluidamente per lui, da un pittore del suono qual è Fabrizio Vespa.
Dario Coppola

Descrizione ufficiale del lancio stampa
Parole e Musiche da un autoradio-bomba con Michele Di Mauro e Fabrizio Vespa.Un reading-spettacolo che contiene Mark Leyner, Yassir Benmiloud, Aldo Nove, Charles Bukowski, Amelie Nothomb, Giorgio Manganelli, Nigel Williams, Wislava Szimborska e Primo Levi.60 Minuti di letteratura in musica per ritrovare nelle parole e nei suoni di altri ciò che fa di un interesse pesonale un valore collettivo, di un'attenzione particolare un atto di denuncia, di uno sguardo mirato pistola.Sul a shot of a stage actor and a DJ. Together they create the project ORO.COMPRO BUY GOLD is a project started in early 2007 from an idea of \u200b\u200bthe Players Club in Turin. E 'reading a live soundtrack, with some special features. In fact, every performance is presented in an anthology of texts from various sources while reading the soundtrack is provided by mixed cds and discs if necessary. The result is that the material is handled and literary - one might say - just like the remixed audio material.

Indian Channels Fta Hotbird Frequency
the tenth anniversary of the death (2009)
occasion of the tenth anniversary of the death of Fabrizio De André, we gladly publish - on request - these two ideas and suggestive evidence of a student, James Villani, and his father, Mr. Maurizio Villani, whom we thank for collaboration and for the idea.
Maurizio Villani
image in the memories of my childhood and Marinella's song rocks me gently I see my father's eyes light up with love.
From that wonderful vision (which I regret now) I realize the importance that took Fabrizio De André in my father's life.
I can say that it was my father introduced me to Fabrizio. Sometimes
embraces the guitar, and if the notes did not sound good does not matter because the music was so deep that nothing would distract me from that show.
My father was not the only to pass this pleasure. At the age of twelve years began, thanks to my professor of music, to grasp the true meaning of these songs and would like to contact them again if I could only thank him deeply.
His songs have many interpretations that I myself have often heard my own: this is the effect it has on people De Andrè, manages to bring out emotions that
normally do not go out alone and above all able to inform people, because its texts were a huge container of history, politics, religion, poetry, literature and cinema.
E 'known to be against loved Fabrizio, a true contrarian, we understand also the title of a collection, "Towards stubborn and opposite.
This trait of his character led to Fabrizio be loved but also hated, because we remember the various objections applied to his songs.
Despite this he continued to compose music to become one of the most important Italian cantatutori.
This My little thought to Fabrizio, I recognize that there vorebbero thousands of pages to remember this great man, but I think they are "maybe too tired and perhaps too busy" to do so.
(the image is taken from http://www.quattrostracci.net/ )
I was a little over eleven years, I was accompanied by my brother more towards what would be my first day on the scout. In those years
in my village there was a division of cubs, better suited to my age, so I was welcomed as a mascot division between leaders and scouts are much bigger than me.
that afternoon I remember almost nothing. I do not remember the details, the faces, names, people, things.
I just remember that at a certain point in time someone picked up a guitar and started playing, and all the others began to sing.
The words I could understand saying
He left for war
order to make its aid to its land
They had given him the insignia and stars
And the advice to sell life dearly to
was me the beginning of a great passion and a great quest.
passion for poetry and music of Fabrizio De André.
The search of his themes, while myself.
Much of what I have been, are and of what (I hope) I was born in that distant afternoon.
Many of the things I see and feel that depend on that research, by that passion, in the words of Fabrizio. Refusal
the war, I stated my objection of conscience many years ago. Refusal
conformism, they are not deployed, I'm not afraid to think differently.
do not judge hardly ever, especially not judge when you do not know the facts. Rarely, in fact.
I sympathize for the past: the Indians, the marginalized, the Sardinian, Albanians, Gypsies, more or less happy, the dispossessed, the homeless, migrants.
are for the maintenance of cultural identities of peoples against simplifications and approvals.
I think that Jesus of Nazareth was a great revolutionary.
I'm not certain, but a lot of doubt over everything and everyone. Fabrizio
When he died I cried, I cried as much as three months ago, when my father died.
That day I had the feeling it was my second father passed away without experiencing the fear that my real dad would, thus, be offended: I have thought in a faraway place, I could not and I still can not define. From there
still imagine that they continue to guide me.
in my village there was a division of cubs, better suited to my age, so I was welcomed as a mascot division between leaders and scouts are much bigger than me.
that afternoon I remember almost nothing. I do not remember the details, the faces, names, people, things.
I just remember that at a certain point in time someone picked up a guitar and started playing, and all the others began to sing.
The words I could understand saying
He left for war
order to make its aid to its land
They had given him the insignia and stars
And the advice to sell life dearly to
was me the beginning of a great passion and a great quest.
passion for poetry and music of Fabrizio De André.
The search of his themes, while myself.
Much of what I have been, are and of what (I hope) I was born in that distant afternoon.
Many of the things I see and feel that depend on that research, by that passion, in the words of Fabrizio. Refusal
the war, I stated my objection of conscience many years ago. Refusal
conformism, they are not deployed, I'm not afraid to think differently.
do not judge hardly ever, especially not judge when you do not know the facts. Rarely, in fact.
I sympathize for the past: the Indians, the marginalized, the Sardinian, Albanians, Gypsies, more or less happy, the dispossessed, the homeless, migrants.
are for the maintenance of cultural identities of peoples against simplifications and approvals.
I think that Jesus of Nazareth was a great revolutionary.
I'm not certain, but a lot of doubt over everything and everyone. Fabrizio
When he died I cried, I cried as much as three months ago, when my father died.
That day I had the feeling it was my second father passed away without experiencing the fear that my real dad would, thus, be offended: I have thought in a faraway place, I could not and I still can not define. From there
still imagine that they continue to guide me.
Maurizio Villani
image in the memories of my childhood and Marinella's song rocks me gently I see my father's eyes light up with love.
From that wonderful vision (which I regret now) I realize the importance that took Fabrizio De André in my father's life.
I can say that it was my father introduced me to Fabrizio. Sometimes
embraces the guitar, and if the notes did not sound good does not matter because the music was so deep that nothing would distract me from that show.
My father was not the only to pass this pleasure. At the age of twelve years began, thanks to my professor of music, to grasp the true meaning of these songs and would like to contact them again if I could only thank him deeply.
His songs have many interpretations that I myself have often heard my own: this is the effect it has on people De Andrè, manages to bring out emotions that
normally do not go out alone and above all able to inform people, because its texts were a huge container of history, politics, religion, poetry, literature and cinema.
E 'known to be against loved Fabrizio, a true contrarian, we understand also the title of a collection, "Towards stubborn and opposite.
This trait of his character led to Fabrizio be loved but also hated, because we remember the various objections applied to his songs.
Despite this he continued to compose music to become one of the most important Italian cantatutori.
This My little thought to Fabrizio, I recognize that there vorebbero thousands of pages to remember this great man, but I think they are "maybe too tired and perhaps too busy" to do so.
Jacopo Villani
Brazilian Wax Web Cam
The thesis is entitled: PATH OF CONSCIOUSNESS (2009)
David Biagioni (Maturity 2009, Liceo classico Alfieri, Turin)
The word conscience comes from the Latin cum + Scire (learn together) and indicates the conscious knowledge shared.
, use at least initially, the balance between the three dimensions that dominate the old man thought: that of the mind, located in a particular region of the brain, the instinctive-motor, located at the base of the spine, and the emotional located in the solar plexus. It was thought that this balance would enable man to rise compared to all other beings relying on a strong reason and that an imbalance of this size would lead to madness.
by the same term is now identified a number of meanings that change with respect to the discipline for which they are used. In common parlance, in fact, consciousness is an option that allows you to immediately inform, understand and evaluate the events that occur in the sphere of individual experience or in facing a future more or less close, for philosophy, however, consciousness becomes a discussion of the moral to the literature is also an ethical issue, and for science, finally, a set of neurotransmitters.
as they originate consciousness?
The two theories are the most reliable and respectively, the results of the studies of Professor of Pharmacology at Oxford University and Professor Susan Greenfield biology cognitive Christof Koch.
Both scientists agree that consciousness is generated by neurons in the brain and that the factors affecting it are not unique, but versatile. The basic problem, however, is that we still know too little about how chemical reactions take place within the brain-power and it is possible to formulate several hypotheses based on neuroscience, psychology and pathological phenomena. What, however, may have groped to identify the neural correlates of consciousness, such NCC, ie the receptors involved, for example, when we realize that we see a dog or hear a sound.
The two models
Since 1988, Koch has dealt with studies
Francis Crick coming to realize that for every precept that our brain perceives it as an NCC. Each NCC is different and if they have a specific form for each different image, sound, taste or sensation. If an NCC is interrupted or disturbed, it disappears.
Speaking physiological conditions when one sees a person enter a room in a group of pyramidal neurons (thought there are enough one million), the neurons that are able to communicate far away, initiates a network of conversations that run through the posterior cortex, where visual stimuli are processed at the front where they are planned and where we become aware of what we see. Some NCC
predominate over others. If, for example, is watching the person entering the room but he is also a melody, the melody has superiority on the object of vision, this is because the congregations of neurons formed by a sound are stronger than those formed by the view. This does not mean that we stop looking that person but we are more likely to consciously listen to the melody.
The coalition does not receive power when the disturbance of other coalitions.
The difference of the two models lies in the way of communication between neurons. According to Koch groups of neurons connecting the posterior cortex in qu
she from a lower level of the brain to a more internal than external, according to Greenfield, however, communication is via a separate communication of neurons that communicate through the secretion of substances chemical.
Where, physically, it may seem a detail overfly the practicality of the moral life, the fact that consciousness is created in the outermost layer just like sight, smell and any other way, led to belittle and shared by many more than we thought animals. If consciousness is, however, result of the still unexplored part of the brain would be dignified, but a person in a coma for example, with all faculties intact, could not be considered conscious, thus justifying euthanasia.
sense of the word conscience
The period in the history of philosophy, has changed its meanings and, starting with the stoicism (the third century BC. The ancient Stoics, from the second to the first century. BC . on average, from I to III century AD. the new Stoa ) to Neoplatonism (from the third to the sixth century AD.) pointed out the interior of the soul in constant dialogue with itself.
Locke (1632-1704), as a good empiricist, he rails against the Platonic school which instead argued doggedly to nativism (as well as Descartes, in part) and develop the teaching of Montaigne talking about knowledge and belief as arising from single and simple experience.
Hegel (1770-1831), most exponential
you of German radically rejects the idea of \u200b\u200bFichte and Schelling and speaks of consciousness along the chapters of his first work, The Phenomenology of Spirit . It is just, somehow, a summary of the history of thought as understood within consciousness, is the "romance" starring the consciousness, is a stage on which the Spirit, which over time and space has taken on different shapes and appearances, speaking as an actor and only with himself and with himself. And the Spirit is the very consciousness, until it is realized as absolute knowledge, that is until the person who acts as dialectical struggle with the object.
Hegel begins by defining consciousness an "attitude" of the Spirit to that which is physically external to it and of course, they might know the reality of the senses, and reason, which at this early stage is still only conscience, has this view to the nature (Descartes would have said so res cogitans know res extensa , Which is thought knows the physical extent). This first step in the Phenomenology of spirit is carried to and from a natural conscience, which must first experience the inadequacy of the figures of the phenomena of knowledge apparent. Then
natural conscience becomes self-consciousness in the experience of the Spirit that is conscious of itself: it is the consciousness of his superiority on the part of the subject (which is the instrument of the Spirit), so the nature, meaning, and each subject are subordinated to the action of the Spirit. To make this you need to become aware, however, historically, or in freedom, which is the expression of the Spirit. This dialectical process is the result of the war between the self-consciousness that do not allow each other to be so: indeed, the self-consciousnesses living a contradiction because they are employees and, at the same time, independent of one another, this struggle leads to the formation over time and space, of history itself. Self-consciousness, which is the identity of opposites that is the subject and object that make up the ego which is split, is expressed in a figure that is the struggle to the death between two different self-consciousnesses that do not want to recognize each other superiority to each other, and then attach the each to himself. This claim fails and gives way to death as negative, as the antithesis: This figure is called the relationship of lordship and servitude (Marx developed this theme, which will feed into the class struggle, and that in turn derives from its Hegelian lesson from which he had proceeds from the concept of class consciousness, the expression of the concept of consciousness too abstract). One of the self-consciousness that he gave up fighting for survival is therefore subject to another, which, however, takes advantage of this submission and receiving the products of the first self-consciousness. Therefore, if the figure of the servant was the first at a disadvantage, now producing forms of life to the figure of the Master in your fist to subdue those who thought: this is a spiritual growth that forms what nature has so chaotic and order, combating the trends of primordial consciousness. Thus arises the figure of the unhappy consciousness, well represented by the Jewish religion, initially, and subsequently by the medieval Christian theocentrism: there is a bifurcation of consciousness, on the one hand, it is coincident with the transcendent God, and secondly 'another, according to the human subject with faith, is the negation of the ego, the subject would vanish in the transcendence of God himself, but this does not succeed and so replaces the unhappiness of consciousness perceived useless in front of the absolute. Hegel's unhappy consciousness lists any attempt to deny the transcendent: asceticism, mysticism, feelings devotees, religious ethics and the mission moved by love for God, and the mortification of the ego. The misery will be exceeded when the consciousness is no longer able to find God in itself, but out of his mind, that in the outside world, so consciousness coincide with reason after he abandoned his faith that made her unhappy. In fact, the personal faith in God and transcendent at the same time that it was not an alienation, that is an antithesis to overcome. This idea will be taken from the Hegelian left who will speak the unhappy consciousness as a primitive religious experience that could not fail historically (eg the Crusades). Dall'autocoscienza, culminating in the unhappy consciousness, we move to the stage of reason and conscience, therefore, addresses both nature and society, looking now on the concept.
Freud (1856-1939) opens the twentieth century with the work Interp
retazione dreams and ushering in the method of psychoanalysis is based on an opposition between the conscious and the unconscious world world world mediated by the preconscious ; Freud distinguishes the first topic (conscious / preconscious / unconscious) from the second ( Es / I / superego); L 'Es , in German, is a neutral third person singular pronoun, so it has an impersonal character which indicates the original form, and the psyche that has yet to distinguish between good and evil, but responding to the pleasure principle. So in the process of conscientization the superego is precisely the ethical consciousness in which there are clear boundaries between what is considered right or wrong and that should guide the actions of the subject, the ego is the organization of the personality of the person who responds these internal divisions, and that comes to build it as such.
Freud speaks of dreams as a moment in which the experience of day-consciousness is impaired and introjected; dreaming consciousness, however, unrelated to the real environment and the adaptation is dominated by the laws that regulate the emotions which deviate from the laws of reason and social needs. The subject no longer lives in the dream in space and time and can be both passive and active protagonist of the scene, the principle of identity, core logic, it jumps to the dreamer and the principle of contradiction. The dream consciousness is expressed in symbols and Freud, however, produce a dreamlike symbolism, even in waking life, which is apparently alien from the dream, Freud notes the so-called residual nature of dreams: the dream on forever, even if life conscious in everyday life do not sufficiently illuminate the continuous and uninterrupted dream act (identified in various forms, from the blunders slip). In the work Beyond the Pleasure Principle, Freud analyzes the neuroses caused by trauma and down-to-the compulsion to repeat. It can not be determined only by the pleasure principle but also by the death instinct. It is a struggle of the psyche, a conflict that Freud back to the original war between two forces: Eros and Thanatos . The two forces, one static and one dynamic, vital and deadly, are in cahoots with each other and through the repetition compulsion, and are expressed in the conduct of the person who part of the system of the relationship between perception and consciousness to relate to a neurosis with time in constant repetition.
In the Italian literature of the twentieth century, Italo Svevo (Ettore Schmitz, 1861-1924), speaking as a few have been able to do before the birth of psychoanalysis, consciousness in his third novel, The Confessions of Zeno. Zeno Cosini is maintained by the psychoanalytic method and is recommended by your doctor to write a journal review of its existence. In this analysis, bitter and ironic moments are pinned to the circumstances and his intentions clear but rooms in which he tries to kick the habit of smoking. The case brings to marry Zeno and also to engage in an adulterous relationship, you read review, make a note in the diary, the circumstances through which and for which the protagonist is also linked to Guido, the hated and beloved brother, who will be in error by the events leading to suicide. Dominates the plot, however, that Zeno's disease, when it seems sopirsi, is ready to resurface as an ambush, according to different forms such as' hypochondria, imaginary illness, disease and a variety of convenient living conditions. The evil of Zeno Cosini is, in fact, the evil of his conscience: he in this analysis are too complacent and start an introspective journey that becomes an excuse for prevarication and bring it to pass time. The work, which has the structure of a diary style, concludes with the description of the Great War, which contrasts with the inner world of the ego deliberately explored so far. The smoking habit is a symbol, a metaphor used to describe the behavior only Svevo's Zeno and the illness of his will. Highlighting the ineptitude of the protagonist through humor, you can understand better the mechanisms of consciousness and analyze each subject's self-justification; Svevo also succeeds in detaching and come to an acceptance of casual game which follows the existence unpredictable reality the intentions of the protagonist: irony and consciousness are, for him, and sought the only possible methods of defense against the company and that his certainties are only appearances.
- Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, "Phenomenology of Spirit," The New Italy
- Italo Svevo, "Confessions of Zeno," Bur
- Luciano Nanni, "Reading Swabian , Zanichelli
- Adriano Bon, "Reading The Confessions of Zeno, Italo Svevo," Murcia
- Sigmund Freud, "The Interpretation of Dreams", Bollati Boringhieri
- Aldo Manetti, "History of Latin Literature" , Juvenile
- Dario Coppola, "For a new choice," Firenze Atheneum
- Garzanti Encyclopedia of Philosophy
- John Treccani, "Italian Encyclopedia of science, literature and arts"
, use at least initially, the balance between the three dimensions that dominate the old man thought: that of the mind, located in a particular region of the brain, the instinctive-motor, located at the base of the spine, and the emotional located in the solar plexus. It was thought that this balance would enable man to rise compared to all other beings relying on a strong reason and that an imbalance of this size would lead to madness.
by the same term is now identified a number of meanings that change with respect to the discipline for which they are used. In common parlance, in fact, consciousness is an option that allows you to immediately inform, understand and evaluate the events that occur in the sphere of individual experience or in facing a future more or less close, for philosophy, however, consciousness becomes a discussion of the moral to the literature is also an ethical issue, and for science, finally, a set of neurotransmitters.
as they originate consciousness?
The two theories are the most reliable and respectively, the results of the studies of Professor of Pharmacology at Oxford University and Professor Susan Greenfield biology cognitive Christof Koch.
Both scientists agree that consciousness is generated by neurons in the brain and that the factors affecting it are not unique, but versatile. The basic problem, however, is that we still know too little about how chemical reactions take place within the brain-power and it is possible to formulate several hypotheses based on neuroscience, psychology and pathological phenomena. What, however, may have groped to identify the neural correlates of consciousness, such NCC, ie the receptors involved, for example, when we realize that we see a dog or hear a sound.
The two models
Since 1988, Koch has dealt with studies

Speaking physiological conditions when one sees a person enter a room in a group of pyramidal neurons (thought there are enough one million), the neurons that are able to communicate far away, initiates a network of conversations that run through the posterior cortex, where visual stimuli are processed at the front where they are planned and where we become aware of what we see. Some NCC
predominate over others. If, for example, is watching the person entering the room but he is also a melody, the melody has superiority on the object of vision, this is because the congregations of neurons formed by a sound are stronger than those formed by the view. This does not mean that we stop looking that person but we are more likely to consciously listen to the melody.
The coalition does not receive power when the disturbance of other coalitions.
The difference of the two models lies in the way of communication between neurons. According to Koch groups of neurons connecting the posterior cortex in qu

Where, physically, it may seem a detail overfly the practicality of the moral life, the fact that consciousness is created in the outermost layer just like sight, smell and any other way, led to belittle and shared by many more than we thought animals. If consciousness is, however, result of the still unexplored part of the brain would be dignified, but a person in a coma for example, with all faculties intact, could not be considered conscious, thus justifying euthanasia.
sense of the word conscience
The period in the history of philosophy, has changed its meanings and, starting with the stoicism (the third century BC. The ancient Stoics, from the second to the first century. BC . on average, from I to III century AD. the new Stoa ) to Neoplatonism (from the third to the sixth century AD.) pointed out the interior of the soul in constant dialogue with itself.

In De Ira
Seneca (4 BC - 65 AD), treated divided into three books in which the author analyzes the origins, nature and the fatal effects of this defect (first book), the various ways to cure (Book II), the means to prevent it, stop it and place (the third book), the profits are suggested antidotes and one of them, the reason, according to Seneca is a vital asset that can bring into the examination of conscience to be performed in 'intimacy and darkness at the end of the day: this allows to balance the act of man, certainly a suggestion taken up by magic-religious philosophy of Pythagoras, who had been transplanted to Rome by setta dei Sesti.
Dice Seneca : “ Faciebat hoc Sextius, ut consummato die, cum se ad nocturnam quietem recepisset, interrogaret animum suum: -Quod hodie malum tuum sanasti? Cui vitio obstitisti? Qua parte melior es? -Desinet ira et moderatior erit, que sciet sibi cotidie ad iudicem esse veniendum ”
Seneca (4 BC - 65 AD), treated divided into three books in which the author analyzes the origins, nature and the fatal effects of this defect (first book), the various ways to cure (Book II), the means to prevent it, stop it and place (the third book), the profits are suggested antidotes and one of them, the reason, according to Seneca is a vital asset that can bring into the examination of conscience to be performed in 'intimacy and darkness at the end of the day: this allows to balance the act of man, certainly a suggestion taken up by magic-religious philosophy of Pythagoras, who had been transplanted to Rome by setta dei Sesti.
Dice Seneca : “ Faciebat hoc Sextius, ut consummato die, cum se ad nocturnam quietem recepisset, interrogaret animum suum: -Quod hodie malum tuum sanasti? Cui vitio obstitisti? Qua parte melior es? -Desinet ira et moderatior erit, que sciet sibi cotidie ad iudicem esse veniendum ”
( De ira , III, 36, 1-4).
Nel corso della storia del pensiero il filosofo cristiano Agostino (354-430) ha utilizzato spesso il termine coscienza soprattutto nelle Confessiones (397-401) to reach the ' alétheia ' s soul must begin the inner dialogue with itself and thus attain the light of meditation experience has a moral aspect and that is consciousness located the place where Augustine this inner conversation, for he speaks of the "voice of conscience."
The Augustinian philosophy is inspired by the Pauline theology that speaks of conscience calling it a sure knowledge (the term which he derives from cum + Gnosca ) the fundamentals of the line will, so that by querying the consciousness can be known with certainty how exemplary behavior, the ideal ethics, the right way that is constantly being abandoned because of human frailty that results from original sin.
The Augustinian philosophy is inspired by the Pauline theology that speaks of conscience calling it a sure knowledge (the term which he derives from cum + Gnosca ) the fundamentals of the line will, so that by querying the consciousness can be known with certainty how exemplary behavior, the ideal ethics, the right way that is constantly being abandoned because of human frailty that results from original sin.
The philosopher Montaigne (1533-1592), who was a master of both Descartes (1596-1650) and Pascal (1623-1662), in his Essays (1580) speaks voice of conscience and defines a set of beliefs, derived from the company, which became part of the knowledge already from infants to to rise to the role of law in the ethical rules, so these rules have in no way an inner nature but outside while harboring deep within what is commonly referred to as consciousness.
Descartes inaugurated the new meaning of consciousness understood as awareness of the subject on his mind. In his cogito ergo sum res cogitans , and in its' ergo sum res cogitans , you define what consciousness is, because I think they are and have a substance that thinks, therefore, be aware that this is the only true consciousness. In the first two Meditations on First Philosophy Descartes speaks of conscience by saying that the subject has a direct and indisputable certainty precisely through cogito .

Locke (1632-1704), as a good empiricist, he rails against the Platonic school which instead argued doggedly to nativism (as well as Descartes, in part) and develop the teaching of Montaigne talking about knowledge and belief as arising from single and simple experience.
Hume (1711-1776), philosopher of Edinburgh, continues in the vein of thought already outlined by Locke and argues that even if the subject thinking can be reached by thought alone on the edge of not for this reason will never get out of their conscience because he can never make terms with what lies outside its own sense impressions or ideas of reason.
Kant (1724-1804), in the Critique of Pure Reason, the criticism of the empiricist approach and argues that even if Hume had awakened him from sleep dogmatic idealism and rejects the theories in the consciousness of thumb that says that is different between the subjects, there is also a
pure form of consciousness, pure apperception (I think) that has a function of knowledge same for all men. The synthetic a priori forms, and even then, the intellect are divided according to the twelve categories which I think it is the unifying element. Therefore, this pure knowledge and universal function is the same for all those transcendental (Kant speaks of this in the "transcendental deduction of pure concepts of understanding" contained in the first Critique).
In the second Critique, or the Critique of Practical Reason, he focuses on his vision of the moral self (against heteronomous conception of morality itself) consciousness, describing it as an inner voice that is opposed to the senses. Interiority of the subject sta dunque un valore assoluto universale della legge morale la quale emerge dalla libertà e vi giunge alla fine del suo percorso, ossia la legge morale è un mezzo e la libertà è un fine.
“ la libertà e la legge pratica incondizionata risultano dunque reciprocamente connesse. Qui io non domando se esse siano anche diverse di fatto o se una legge incondizionata non sia piuttosto la semplice coscienza di sé di una ragion pura-pratica e se questa sia identica al concetto positivo della libertà; ma domando dove ha inizio la nostra conoscenza dell’incondizionato pratico, se dalla libertà o dalla legge pratica. Non è possibile che prenda inizio dalla libertà, di cui non possiamo né aver coscienza immediate, because the first concept of it is not, nor knowledge mediated by experience, because experience does not give us the law of phenomena, and thus the mechanism of nature, which is the opposite of freedom, pure and simple. E 'therefore the moral law which we become conscious (just made the best of will), what we are offered for the first and that leads us directly to the concept of freedom [...] .
(from Critique of Practical Reason) Kant writes
In 1793, after the third Critique, a work considered the fourth criticism, titled Religion in the confines of pure reason, introducing a letter in which the philosopher of Koenigsberg briefly describes the scope, saying that if the first Critique was a response to the question of metaphysics (what do I know?), the second criticism was the answer to the question of ' ethics (how should I act?), this work is the answer to the question of religion (what can I hope?). Right here is taken the concept of natural religion (deism) as opposed to the concept of revealed religion (theism) and, for Kant, religion is not the foundation of morality but is not, can lead to moral religion, Kant is at border of natural religion to the realm of religion looking proved by making the famous theory of concentric circles.
" morality, which is based on the concept of man as free, which, precisely because such subjects himself by his reason, more unconditional, needs neither the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing superior to another 'man to know his duty, nor a motive other than the law itself to fulfill it. However, it is man's fault if he is in this need, which, therefore, no one can remedy, because what does not come from himself and his freedom can not be used as a surrogate for what is lacking in its morality. This did not therefore need the support of religion, but the grace is self-pure practical reason [...] .
(from religion to the realm of pure practical reason)
why Kant calls the subject to act according to his conscience prompted categorical imperative.
Just the thought develops Kantian German idealism that speaks of consciousness in the subject by highlighting the absolute I, as defined by Fichte (1762-1814) and also the first Schelling (1775-1854). Coincides with the ego consciousness which derives from an ego-sensitive and therefore empirical. It was later limited by what I originally opposed to itself or the not-I, which means that philosophical reflection is the only field where it can be drawn on the knowledge and knowing and, therefore, is the only place in the consciousness.

In the second Critique, or the Critique of Practical Reason, he focuses on his vision of the moral self (against heteronomous conception of morality itself) consciousness, describing it as an inner voice that is opposed to the senses. Interiority of the subject sta dunque un valore assoluto universale della legge morale la quale emerge dalla libertà e vi giunge alla fine del suo percorso, ossia la legge morale è un mezzo e la libertà è un fine.
“ la libertà e la legge pratica incondizionata risultano dunque reciprocamente connesse. Qui io non domando se esse siano anche diverse di fatto o se una legge incondizionata non sia piuttosto la semplice coscienza di sé di una ragion pura-pratica e se questa sia identica al concetto positivo della libertà; ma domando dove ha inizio la nostra conoscenza dell’incondizionato pratico, se dalla libertà o dalla legge pratica. Non è possibile che prenda inizio dalla libertà, di cui non possiamo né aver coscienza immediate, because the first concept of it is not, nor knowledge mediated by experience, because experience does not give us the law of phenomena, and thus the mechanism of nature, which is the opposite of freedom, pure and simple. E 'therefore the moral law which we become conscious (just made the best of will), what we are offered for the first and that leads us directly to the concept of freedom [...] .
(from Critique of Practical Reason) Kant writes
In 1793, after the third Critique, a work considered the fourth criticism, titled Religion in the confines of pure reason, introducing a letter in which the philosopher of Koenigsberg briefly describes the scope, saying that if the first Critique was a response to the question of metaphysics (what do I know?), the second criticism was the answer to the question of ' ethics (how should I act?), this work is the answer to the question of religion (what can I hope?). Right here is taken the concept of natural religion (deism) as opposed to the concept of revealed religion (theism) and, for Kant, religion is not the foundation of morality but is not, can lead to moral religion, Kant is at border of natural religion to the realm of religion looking proved by making the famous theory of concentric circles.
" morality, which is based on the concept of man as free, which, precisely because such subjects himself by his reason, more unconditional, needs neither the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing superior to another 'man to know his duty, nor a motive other than the law itself to fulfill it. However, it is man's fault if he is in this need, which, therefore, no one can remedy, because what does not come from himself and his freedom can not be used as a surrogate for what is lacking in its morality. This did not therefore need the support of religion, but the grace is self-pure practical reason [...] .
(from religion to the realm of pure practical reason)
why Kant calls the subject to act according to his conscience prompted categorical imperative.
Just the thought develops Kantian German idealism that speaks of consciousness in the subject by highlighting the absolute I, as defined by Fichte (1762-1814) and also the first Schelling (1775-1854). Coincides with the ego consciousness which derives from an ego-sensitive and therefore empirical. It was later limited by what I originally opposed to itself or the not-I, which means that philosophical reflection is the only field where it can be drawn on the knowledge and knowing and, therefore, is the only place in the consciousness.
Hegel (1770-1831), most exponential

Hegel begins by defining consciousness an "attitude" of the Spirit to that which is physically external to it and of course, they might know the reality of the senses, and reason, which at this early stage is still only conscience, has this view to the nature (Descartes would have said so res cogitans know res extensa , Which is thought knows the physical extent). This first step in the Phenomenology of spirit is carried to and from a natural conscience, which must first experience the inadequacy of the figures of the phenomena of knowledge apparent. Then
natural conscience becomes self-consciousness in the experience of the Spirit that is conscious of itself: it is the consciousness of his superiority on the part of the subject (which is the instrument of the Spirit), so the nature, meaning, and each subject are subordinated to the action of the Spirit. To make this you need to become aware, however, historically, or in freedom, which is the expression of the Spirit. This dialectical process is the result of the war between the self-consciousness that do not allow each other to be so: indeed, the self-consciousnesses living a contradiction because they are employees and, at the same time, independent of one another, this struggle leads to the formation over time and space, of history itself. Self-consciousness, which is the identity of opposites that is the subject and object that make up the ego which is split, is expressed in a figure that is the struggle to the death between two different self-consciousnesses that do not want to recognize each other superiority to each other, and then attach the each to himself. This claim fails and gives way to death as negative, as the antithesis: This figure is called the relationship of lordship and servitude (Marx developed this theme, which will feed into the class struggle, and that in turn derives from its Hegelian lesson from which he had proceeds from the concept of class consciousness, the expression of the concept of consciousness too abstract). One of the self-consciousness that he gave up fighting for survival is therefore subject to another, which, however, takes advantage of this submission and receiving the products of the first self-consciousness. Therefore, if the figure of the servant was the first at a disadvantage, now producing forms of life to the figure of the Master in your fist to subdue those who thought: this is a spiritual growth that forms what nature has so chaotic and order, combating the trends of primordial consciousness. Thus arises the figure of the unhappy consciousness, well represented by the Jewish religion, initially, and subsequently by the medieval Christian theocentrism: there is a bifurcation of consciousness, on the one hand, it is coincident with the transcendent God, and secondly 'another, according to the human subject with faith, is the negation of the ego, the subject would vanish in the transcendence of God himself, but this does not succeed and so replaces the unhappiness of consciousness perceived useless in front of the absolute. Hegel's unhappy consciousness lists any attempt to deny the transcendent: asceticism, mysticism, feelings devotees, religious ethics and the mission moved by love for God, and the mortification of the ego. The misery will be exceeded when the consciousness is no longer able to find God in itself, but out of his mind, that in the outside world, so consciousness coincide with reason after he abandoned his faith that made her unhappy. In fact, the personal faith in God and transcendent at the same time that it was not an alienation, that is an antithesis to overcome. This idea will be taken from the Hegelian left who will speak the unhappy consciousness as a primitive religious experience that could not fail historically (eg the Crusades). Dall'autocoscienza, culminating in the unhappy consciousness, we move to the stage of reason and conscience, therefore, addresses both nature and society, looking now on the concept.
Freud (1856-1939) opens the twentieth century with the work Interp

Freud speaks of dreams as a moment in which the experience of day-consciousness is impaired and introjected; dreaming consciousness, however, unrelated to the real environment and the adaptation is dominated by the laws that regulate the emotions which deviate from the laws of reason and social needs. The subject no longer lives in the dream in space and time and can be both passive and active protagonist of the scene, the principle of identity, core logic, it jumps to the dreamer and the principle of contradiction. The dream consciousness is expressed in symbols and Freud, however, produce a dreamlike symbolism, even in waking life, which is apparently alien from the dream, Freud notes the so-called residual nature of dreams: the dream on forever, even if life conscious in everyday life do not sufficiently illuminate the continuous and uninterrupted dream act (identified in various forms, from the blunders slip). In the work Beyond the Pleasure Principle, Freud analyzes the neuroses caused by trauma and down-to-the compulsion to repeat. It can not be determined only by the pleasure principle but also by the death instinct. It is a struggle of the psyche, a conflict that Freud back to the original war between two forces: Eros and Thanatos . The two forces, one static and one dynamic, vital and deadly, are in cahoots with each other and through the repetition compulsion, and are expressed in the conduct of the person who part of the system of the relationship between perception and consciousness to relate to a neurosis with time in constant repetition.
In the Italian literature of the twentieth century, Italo Svevo (Ettore Schmitz, 1861-1924), speaking as a few have been able to do before the birth of psychoanalysis, consciousness in his third novel, The Confessions of Zeno. Zeno Cosini is maintained by the psychoanalytic method and is recommended by your doctor to write a journal review of its existence. In this analysis, bitter and ironic moments are pinned to the circumstances and his intentions clear but rooms in which he tries to kick the habit of smoking. The case brings to marry Zeno and also to engage in an adulterous relationship, you read review, make a note in the diary, the circumstances through which and for which the protagonist is also linked to Guido, the hated and beloved brother, who will be in error by the events leading to suicide. Dominates the plot, however, that Zeno's disease, when it seems sopirsi, is ready to resurface as an ambush, according to different forms such as' hypochondria, imaginary illness, disease and a variety of convenient living conditions. The evil of Zeno Cosini is, in fact, the evil of his conscience: he in this analysis are too complacent and start an introspective journey that becomes an excuse for prevarication and bring it to pass time. The work, which has the structure of a diary style, concludes with the description of the Great War, which contrasts with the inner world of the ego deliberately explored so far. The smoking habit is a symbol, a metaphor used to describe the behavior only Svevo's Zeno and the illness of his will. Highlighting the ineptitude of the protagonist through humor, you can understand better the mechanisms of consciousness and analyze each subject's self-justification; Svevo also succeeds in detaching and come to an acceptance of casual game which follows the existence unpredictable reality the intentions of the protagonist: irony and consciousness are, for him, and sought the only possible methods of defense against the company and that his certainties are only appearances.

- Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, "Phenomenology of Spirit," The New Italy
- Italo Svevo, "Confessions of Zeno," Bur
- Luciano Nanni, "Reading Swabian , Zanichelli
- Adriano Bon, "Reading The Confessions of Zeno, Italo Svevo," Murcia
- Sigmund Freud, "The Interpretation of Dreams", Bollati Boringhieri
- Aldo Manetti, "History of Latin Literature" , Juvenile
- Dario Coppola, "For a new choice," Firenze Atheneum
- Garzanti Encyclopedia of Philosophy
- John Treccani, "Italian Encyclopedia of science, literature and arts"
David Biagioni
Brazilian Wax In Palm Springs, Ca
The thesis is entitled: Born Twice ( 2009)
These children are born twice. They must learn to move in a world that the first birth has made it harder. The second depends on you.
Giuseppe Pontiggia
Giuseppe Pontiggia n
axes in Como in 1934. He inherited from his father, who died when his son is still young, passion for books. It is used in the bank and in 1959 graduated from the University Catholic University of Milan with a thesis on Svevo. In the sixties leaves employment in the bank to devote himself to teaching, and editorial collaborations with publishers Mondadori and Adelphi: The art of the period is on the run (1968). The novel that requires the attention of critics and audiences is the invisible player (1978), followed by a new version of Death in the bank (1979), The radius of shadow (1983), The great night (1989), the biographies of imaginary lives of illustrious men (1993) and Born Twice (2000). This novel is a hymn to the solidarity, a call for a smile: Pontiggia relive his own experience, that of a father who lives next to a child suffering from spastic quadriplegia. The will of the father, who suffers from the presence of a world so far, is simple: to live a normal life, day by day, between fear, fatigue and pain.
Art.2 - Non-discrimination. Member States undertake to respect the rights set forth in this Convention and to ensure that every child within their jurisdiction, without distinction. Member States shall take all appropriate measures to ensure the child is protected against all forms of discrimination.
Art.23 - Children with disabilities: States recognize that a mentally or physically disabled child should enjoy a full life, in conditions which ensure dignity, promote self-reliance and facilitate their active participation in the way of the community. States Parties recognize the right of disabled children to special care in a manner conducive to achieving the fullest possible social integration and personal development.
All children should enjoy the same rights throughout the world regardless of race, religion, culture or disability, no matter what their personal or family circumstances. In 1989, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child and 191 countries (every country in the world except the United States and Somalia) have ratified the Convention by showing willingness to place their children in their political agenda. This Convention has identified all the children s, including the disabled, as holders of rights, establishes a framework for internationally accepted treatment for all and created a stronger global use for safekeeping.
Not all of the 191 governments that have ratified the Convention are striving to achieve goals. One can easily see that children around the world continue to face inequality in everyday life, often the victims of decisions policies, family disruption, low-sighted economic policies, wars and conflicts. Discrimination and abuse are common facts of life for boys and girls with disabilities, they are often excluded from society and are often not given the opportunity to participate. Their situation is often forgotten and ignored.
The International Convention on the Rights of the Child is a particularly interesting document because it is primarily a convention, which is a legally binding document, with almost universal validity with a value much greater than a simple statement
. It is also the first international document on human rights, general printing to devote an article to the issue of disability (Article 23). The presence of this Article shall not in any way limit the application of the Convention throughout the state of the child with a disability, then as we all should be able to enjoy the rights attached to some basic principles:
survival and development - the best interests of the child
- non-discrimination
- active participation of the child
All rights of children reflect their basic needs. The key difference between the needs and rights is the issue of liability. A needs-based approach does not give anyone the responsibility or duty to meet these needs. A rights-based approach means give governments the obligation to create conditions so that they meet the rights of the child.
For the disabled child, the principle of non-discrimination is crucial, and reinforces the fact that each article relates to the disabled child. For example, all children have the right not to be separated from their parents against their will (art. 9). This also applies to disabled children, so when a disabled child at birth is moved away from the family, placed in an institution only for reasons related to his disability and is treated differently from other children, then there is the phenomenon of discrimination, than the fact of infringement of Article 9.
Already Q
uintiliano, master of the methodology of communication training, provided in the educational process that he developed intellectual and moral education, entrusted to the traditional Roman institutions: the family and school.
The family environment was responsible for giving an initial basic training and essential to human development, which presupposes a good morality from their parents. Instead, the figure of the master was required as a technician and as a man of knowledge, capable of establishing an educational relationship based on mutual sense of respect and affection. The teacher acted as a "spiritual parent", a kind model to be imitated by the pupils. He had to know the psychology of his disciples, so that he could understand and adapt the educational work to the personality and psychology of each particular moment.
According to the theory of Quintilian, the school, designed as a small business, it is true education, where the student learns to live socially, get used to dealing with others, develop relationships with others, unlike what happens with the 'tuition, which is only education. These considerations can be drawn from his work, "Institutio Oratorio", the first of all literature greek-roman pedagogical and the last. E’ stato detto che di essa solo nove libri sarebbero stati inclusi in un trattato di retorica, mentre gli altri tre, il I, il II e il XII, sono di natura essenzialmente pedagogica. Per altri, invece, la parte educativa si restringerebbe al primo e secondo volume.
MAGISTER "[...] Sumat igitur ante omnia parentis erga discipulos suos animum, ac succedere se in eorum locum, a quibus sibi liberi tradantur, existimet. Ipse nec habeat vitia nec ferat. Non austeritas eius tristis, non dissoluta sit comitas, ne inde odium hinc contemptus oriatur. Plurimus ei de honesto ac bono sermo sit; nam quo saepius monuerit, hoc rarius castigabit. Minime iracundus, nec tamen eorum, quae emendanda erunt, dissimulator; simplex in docendo; patiens laboris; assiduus potius quam immodicus. Interrogantibus libenter respondeat, non interrogantes percontetur ultro. In laudandis discipulorum dictionibus nec malignus nec effusus, quia res altera taedium laboris, altera securitatem parit. In emendando, quae corrigenda erunt, non acerbus minimeque contumeliosus; nam id quidem multos a proposito studendi fugat, quod quidam sic obiurgant quasi oderint. Ipse aliquid immo multa cotidie dicat, quae secum auditores referant. Licet enim satis exemplorum ad imitandum ex lectione suppedit, tamen viva illa, ut dicitur, vox alit plenius praecipueque eius praeceptoris, quem discipuli, si modo recte sunt instituti, et amant et verentur. Vix autem dici potest, quanto libentius imitemur eos, quibus favemus. [...]".
(The teacher) First of all, therefore, to assume the attitude of his disciples, a father, and may wish to take the place of those from whom are entrusted their children. I personally do not have defects or tolerates them. Its severity is not grim, his kindness is not too high, lest they be generated by hate, despise the other. His speeches are more often honesty and goodness, and in fact the more often admonish, punish much more rarely. There is nothing to temper, and yet pretend not to see defects to be corrected, to teach simple, resistant to fatigue, continued to be too demanding. To those who willingly answer their questions, and questioned its own initiative, those who did not ask him anything. In praising the practice of the disciples is neither (too) or severe (too) generous, because the first sentiment raises the dislike of work, the second (excessive) Security. In correcting those defects to be corrected is not harsh nor abusive, because just that many away from the purpose of study, namely the fact that some criticize as if they hated. He personally say something every day, indeed many things that school children can bring via con sé. Sebbene infatti (il maestro) possa fornire attraverso la lettura sufficienti esempi da imitare, tuttavia la cosiddetta "viva voce" nutre più abbondantemente, e specialmente quella di un insegnante che i discepoli, solo che siano bene istruiti, amano e rispettano. A malapena si può dire, poi, quanto più volentieri imitiamo quelli per cui proviamo simpatia
DISCIPULI "[...] Itaque et virium plus adferunt ad discendum renovati ac recentes et acriorem animum, qui fere necessitatibus repugnat. Nec me offenderit lusus in pueris (est et hoc signum alacritatis), neque illuni tristem semperque demissum sperare possim erectae circa studia mentis fore, cum in hoc quoque maxime naturali aetatibus illis impetu iaceat. Modus tamen sit remissionibus, ne aut odium studiorum faciant negatae aut otii consuetudinem nimiae. Sunt etiam nonnulli acuendis puerorum ingeniis non inutiles lusus, cum positis invicem cuiusque generis quaestiunculis aemulantur. Mores quoque se inter ludendum simplicius detegunt: modo nulla videatur aetas tam infirma quae non protinus quid rectum pravumque sit discat, tum vel maxime formanda cum simulandi nescia est et praecipientibus facillime cedit; frangas enim citius quam corrigas quae in pravum induruerunt[…]”.
Therefore once regenerated and fresh energy (the children) spend learning more forces and at the same time, a sharper mind, mind to kick in some way the constraints. And I would not disadvantage the game in children (although this is a sign of vitality) and on the other hand I could not hope to show you with a receptive mind about what that child was studying and always bow to one side, since that remains inert in the momentum that should be particularly natural at that age. The moments of rest, however, must have a certain degree, so that, if denied, arouse distaste for the study or, if paid too large, causing a habit idleness. There are also some games far from useless to sharpen the minds of children, when (for example) they set up competitions emulation proposing another small questions or problems of any kind. In the game the character can be discovered at greater openness, they do not seem that no age is so weak that it can not directly learn what is good and what is evil, and above all it must be formed, when it is not able to pretend and you leave with great easily molded by teachers: it could take away more quickly than to correct the negative aspects of the character you are strongly rooted .
SCHOOL INTEGRATION Integration is a long process that has undergone profound changes since the seventies. Five are the moments to be highlighted, marked with different logical gradually:
● logic of exclusion (up to 50s)
● logic of medicalisation (60)
● logic integration (early 70s)
● logic integration (up to 90 years)
● logic of the law, the personalization of the "Special Normal" (today) No Normal
Integration Inclusion
Special Normal
Fantasy mankind has always been affected by different and often reacted by displaying fear, rejection or sanctity, but also compassion and love, and almost never indifference.
Only later with the development of medicine and pediatrics we approached the problem scientifically.
Among the first documents 'scientific' that are treating people with mental retardation has survived, in 1801, that of Dr. Jean Itard who made comments about a child abandoned and recovered in a forest, on which had been formulated an initial diagnosis of deaf and perhaps idiocy. For the belated initiation of rehabilitative treatment education, the child remained "deaf" to the human language. From what Itard guess that the total lack of exercise makes our bodies unsuitable for their operation. This fact is the law of the atrophy.
Towards the end of the 800, open the first schools address these cases "special", especially the deaf and dumb, as well as mentally handicapped. For a time they are also entrusted to Maria Montessori, a leading educationist, who can demonstrate how even children with severe forms of mental retardation can achieve significant results in reading and writing. In 1908, it lays
the first special classes, which take those students who are unable to attend regular classes.
At this time the educational institution is not invested with the problem of mismatch, so we are talking about Logic exclusion. It is expressed through two acts: the refusal and the delegation. The first is the belief that the public school state should not intervene in the issue of the mentally disabled and to the possible formation and forbids the presence in the classroom with the decrees Act of 1923.
In fact, the laws and ministerial regulations seek to isolate the different turning in special schools or special classes. The origin of this is due to deficiencies in state and the sensitivity of small local communities and great personalities of educators who are committed to this sector of education.
No wonder such a behavior: Italy from an agricultural society to an industrial city, has not yet scheduled the need for more skilled labor force, between the workers and laborers. The school, in fact, provides them with the first ability to read, write, count and indispensable "patriotism."
LOGIC medicalization
Since the 60s the state of direct relevance to the severe disabilities by strengthening and diversification of the structures special. The handicap is seen as a social disease with an approach like "doctor". These focus on the deficit and a specialist will establish the diagnosis "descriptive": students are so classified, so that its label (the deaf-mute, autistic ...) leads the teacher to give importance only to the conduct covered in reviews already issued.
not change the attitude of society towards the "other", but merely to protect the able-bodied. In fact, it supports the need to give disabled children something more than the other that the family and the school can not give, but in reality it marginalizes.
important are studies on the comparison between Goldfarb
children raised in adoptive families and those left in institutions, with negative results for the latter.
are beginning to be questioned about the institutionalization and special schools, not just by researchers but also by the families themselves, seeking solutions for the placement. It comes to the disclosure in 1971 of the Charter of the "Right to equal educational opportunities," extended to all disabled people. Taking as its starting experience backed by the inclusion of "normalization" that promotes the belief that everyone, disabled or not, should be able to take advantage of educational programs in the least restrictive possible.
the late 60s still lack the ability to deal with the difficult challenge rationality and integration we are witnessing the emergence of two opposing sides for or against the inclusion, for or against the continuation of special schools. This reveals two convictions: the school must ensure that all the time and learning opportunities for personal development, must be open to the entire social community and, with respect to issues of disability is enshrined the principle that education should be compulsory in school.
are part of the school, especially in the primary, the disabled also very serious creating strong reactions of rejection and segregation within classes.
need to make this critical considerations, including the naive view of the school that seems to be enough physical placement (ie spending more time at school) to provide benefits to the disabled, despite the lack of reflection to implement strategies to implement an effective integration taking into consideration the complexity of variables and methods to achieve them.
The opening of the school, despite the inevitable resistance, has been effective and has produced and promoted debates on the various matters arising insertion.
With the 1975 round argued that the inclusion in ordinary schools would have been possible by the transformation and renovation of schools.
The innovations introduced by subsequent laws and the New Program of 1985 for elementary school, and for other types of school until the '90s, acknowledge that the presence of disability in school is not as something exceptional to be addressed, because the insertion is a widespread reality, almost a foregone conclusion.
The pedagogical debate, and urged that accompanied the process of integration of disabled students, has a common denominator: the conviction of the existence of a close relationship between innovation and integration of the school.
There is no integration without change.
With the law 104/92 the disabled is a "legal entity" and, therefore, was made a series of measures aimed at full fulfillment of this right. Today
pupils with disabilities live their educational experience with all the other comrades, are each a resource for civil and educational growth and development of cognitive potential of all.
should consider that not always and everywhere the inclusion is perfectly successful. In fact it is not a value that you buy once and for all, but is expressed gradually with new challenges, contradictions between school and school, between school and territory, including land and territory.
The challenge is to improve learning with individualized learning and good team to develop all potential individuals. Instead, the flexibility of autonomy schools talk about diversity as a value, both for those who learn, and for those who teach. Moreover, the integration between different services and strategies to fully realize a life project that gives hope and a future to all the different personal circumstances.
Dall 'September 1, 2000 the Italian schools are autonomous: the goal is to raise the cultural level and educational success.
The reference to a "more normal disability" seems to mirror the concept of "special
normal" for the integration, which allows the assessment of inadequate normality improvised, without specific resources, under which, according to others, the disabled student is intact. The concept of normality is a special condition "mixed" complex of normalcy and specialties. They coexist and influence each other and the one becomes the other, enriching it.
Ianes, a proponent of this theory, states that "the normality of the need for education and training is the same as all other candidates [...] because everyone needs a development and a normal function as possible and as possible to meeting the normal requirements of the normal places of life. In this essential normality, however, are the specialty, the difference and individuality, even extreme, some characteristics, which relate to the person (in her state of health), its participation in social and contextual factors that mediate, facilitate or impede it. "
In special situations are so very normal, or rather first of all meet the norm, and it is this sense of strength that made clear the special schools and all other situations segregating. We also find the Special
Normality in the growing heterogeneity of classes, increasing both in terms of the real presence of pupils with special features (it think only of the rapid increase of students in high school) in terms of increasing ability and willingness of teachers to understand the differences and individuality, groped to respond in a more individualized. We find the Special
Normality in that increasing numbers of students "normal" but have special educational needs that must be addressed properly, such as learning disabilities, lack of self-esteem or motivation. We also find the Special
Normality in greater awareness of individual differences on normal, the "best" and individuality of the students, asking differentiation in teaching. So we see the more normal multi-faceted and rich in elements and characteristics of specialty: even the most seemingly normal nell'alunno are significant differences, which are known and which should be given the possibility of expression and appreciation.
Special Education
This type of education is able to capture the multidimensionality of thinking considering the uniqueness, location, temporality, and to never forget the totally integrated.
The special education as pedagogy of complexity and diversity aimed at "reducing disability, requires knowledge in various fields of knowledge, not excluded practices related to everyday life. It is a science whose boundaries are not defined once and for all, as they are revised in the unending search for possible solutions, where the enhanced ability to interpret the deficits and disabilities is the basic principle of integration perspective . Knowing how to read the different means, in fact, identify opportunities and resources to bring them back to the common territory.
telling, as the ability to accept their own identity in comparison with other necessary, but always presupposes a recognition, a story developed in order to a recipient, the result of educational relationships based on reciprocity, which help the subj ect
"different" to grasp the value of his "being there" in the world (to use Heidegger).
This type of education is the ability to talk to past and future of different subject, in order to recognize its true protagonist of the path of human self-realization. It is to adopt a pedagogy of diversity promotion of research and discovery, respectful of the complexity of existing problems, can trigger intervention strategies-educational teaching, able to ban any stagnant paideia education, through the use of models of intervention that enhance the value of personal autonomy. The diversity should therefore be interpreted as the historical-existential category enriching the lives of all human beings.
The main purpose is to "reduce disability," or in the appropriate tapping the potential of each individual: improving the quality of life of the disabled.
The diversity of deficit and disability are the specific subject of investigation of special education. Education is not health care, but results in a system of ongoing communication rules, social, relational able to allow each to become what it can, to form.
is a pedagogy of "taking care" to resume the teaching of Heidegger, which still distinguishes the 'take care "from the" caring "is based on the ability to connect, educational meeting, several individuals with their particular history, generating new patterns of existential meaning, intentionally and especially by maintaining awareness of the contextuality of the request for help or care.
must first establish that the human being is essentially a living entity and home values, which may not even be considered instrumental to another human being. The man is a person, ie a value in itself and self, the bearer of values \u200b\u200bat any age and any physical or mental condition.
The concept of "person" refers to a reality without connoting physical traits or body, while the term "individual" refers to specific physical characteristics. It can therefore say that the concept of person is inclusive of the concept of the individual. Jacques Maritain (author of "Integral Humanism") writes in this regard:
"yes man is an animal and an individual, but not like the others. The man is an individual who is driving himself through the intelligence and will, there is not only physically, there in him there is a richer and more high; sopraesistenza an individual in knowledge and love. And so, somehow, a whole and not part only, a universe unto itself, a microcosm in which the great universe can, yourself wholly, be contained by means of knowledge through love can give freely to other beings which are for him as other self, in this report can not find the equivalent in the whole physical universe. " Etymologically
"difference" comes from disferre, which means "to carry across", "take over". Because of its difference, each person should be possible to create and expand in all its fullness the original, making it "different" not only from others but from themselves, their limitations, from his own experience, from their environment. In order not to deteriorate in conformity and repetition, must cultivate their talents, to learn from their experiences, build relationships enriching.
The concept of "diversity" by disvertere, that "turning in the opposite direction," accentuates the difference. It refers to the idea of \u200b\u200bdissimilarity, with deviation from a norm, what is more common. The diversity, therefore, requires recognition and respect, rather than ambiguous forms of help and support, which more or less consciously tend to assimilate.
define "different" the alien, the abnormal, you use a generic categorization to refer to a particular ethnic, cultural, physical, doing so wrong in its nature unique and unrepeatable. We can not help but enhance the magnificent diversity of the like.
It 's important not to focus on what can not but welcome the subject as it is, for this to happen it is essential that everyone coming into the world, having someone to take care of him, with which to build a special relationship and that the aid in the discovery of individual identity. The intelligence makes possible the construction of categories and classifications, but also overcome them. Home means considering the individual as a person who must be preserved in dignity, which has its own needs, primary and secondary, resulting from the subjective history.
limits create rejection, pain, enormous frustration, great effort by the parents of a disabled child. This applies even if differently, if a healthy child becomes disabled, as it has new limits. It 's easier to help the disabled, either by the parents of both operators, if there is a proper understanding of its limitations and its potential.
There are aspects of the person who is essential to consider: the feelings, moods, values, and individual rules. Who is disabled and needs help and care, must also be respected in their inner world, the universe of reference that belongs to him.
work with disabled people brought into contact with the pain and the limit, it is natural to be afraid, but you must have self-awareness and know with precision and depth to set the situation of the proper relationship of help. Can also offer help supplement: add what is missing, harmonize, complement, find ways which everyone can play a role, albeit small, can interact and feel useful to be able to do something. The premise of this is the recognition of being.
E 'through the expression and the comparison that each individual builds the personality, but if the communication is denied, if there is no possibility of knowing the difference, how can we grow? We must look in the mirror to see how we are and the eyes of those we face are truly the best mirrors. Through dialogue and debate is that everyone can discover their own abilities and this applies to the disabled person as one who helps, and if a relationship is genuine in his game, each party shall also identify what needs to overcome within himself.
One of the rights and needs of the disabled person must be recognized is that you can know more and more the world around him, he could try, as much as possible, new realities. It should be recognized for people with disabilities the right experience, opportunities to make them suffer or may even make them more aware of the difficulties. So learn to deal with obstacles, endure frustration, sometimes to feel rejected. It 'important that the differently abled can imagine in a story at a time, to seek their role and this is the only correct way to make it grow, but must be other things to begin to dream and design "on him."
Another need that our culture recognizes just for people with disabilities is to play an active role. Precisely because they are put at the top of the difficulties and skills, work activities that the disabled person has to perform are repetitive and sterile, have no value in itself, nor a productive outlet. We should give them some solutions because the fears of the future, loneliness, need help, can be neutralized, so it would be easier to imagine a future build. The a disability has the right to grow up and build their own story.
Giuseppe Pontiggia, Born Twice, 2000, Oscar Mondadori
Quintilian: http / / www.dubladidattica.it / quintiliano.html (10 / 4 / 2009) Convention on the Rights of
Child: http / / www.informahandicap.it (10/04/2009)
Disability: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Integration and Special Education: http / / www.bussolascuola.it (10/04/2009)
( by Antonello and F. D. Tessaro)
http / / www.laboratorioculturale.blogspot.com (10/04/2009)
Giulia Scarpa (Maturity 2009, Liceo classico Alfieri, Turin)

Giuseppe Pontiggia
Giuseppe Pontiggia n

"Who is this normal? None. When you are injured by diversity, the first reaction is to accept it, but to deny it. And it is starting to deny normality. Normality does not exist. The lexicon is concerned suddenly becomes secretive, sly, vaguely sarcastic. They are used in oral language, the signs that read: "The usual, in quotes" or "so-called normal" (G. Pontiggia, "Born Twice", 2000, p.41 Oscar Mondadori)
among the tasks of the school is to develop new forms of citizenship, integration of education and knowledge must be analyzed using a broader indicator, able to tell you when you are striving for social production of closeness or distance. We have entered into the knowledge society, which is the new raw material, capital to spend, to consume, to increase to compete, is a company that, apart from its potential has some risks. The ethical problem today concerns the use of their knowledge, which can create categories of difference and establish a process of separation. Access to new technologies, which support the process of dissemination of knowledge, is not democratically distributed among the inhabitants of the planet and social groups that compose it. The hyper-specialization in science create knowledge-power circuits that power from the citizens of important decisions concerning the quality of daily life.
Among other risks, one of the most important is bound to believe a knowledge capital and whoever is in possession becomes a "human resource" usable, replaceable, which has no civil, political, cultural. The consequences are evident: the human, moving from the category "person" to that of "resource", distance from the social part of humanity and makes the other party distances, eliminating over time. In face to face with reality, from my cousin Claudia disabilities to that of every child I know those of the association between Paideia, a responsibility to be fully recovered, led by a mind able to connect what is separated, the consider the relationship between part and whole, to read contexts, to produce close, giving way to normal in any situation, even one that nobody believed could be possible.
Disability is the consequence or the result of a complex relationship between the health condition of an individual and a series of personal and environmental factors that form the context of reference in which the person lives and expresses its capabilities. According to the classification of the ICD (International Classification of Disabilities and Handicaps), it makes a distinction between:
● impairment: any loss or abnormalities of psychological structures or functions,
physiological or anatomical. It may be permanent or transitory. Is the externalization of a pathological condition. ●
disability is interpreted as partial or total reduction of the ability to perform a task on time and in the manner considered normal. It may be temporary or permanent, reversible or irreversible, progressive or regressive. It can also be a direct result of an impairment or a psychological reaction to a physical, sensory or other.
● handicap is a disadvantage resulting from an injury or a disability that limits or prevents the holding of a role in normal in relation to age, gender, social and cultural factors. E 'condition subject to change, better or worse. It is the discrepancy between the efficiency or the status of the subject and the expectations of efficiency and status, both of the same subject, both of the particular group to which he refers. Therefore, reflects the consequences at the cultural, social, economic and environmental impacts that result from the presence of impairment and disability.
With the Declaration of Madrid on the occasion of the International Disability (2003), it was possible to move the interest from a scientific view to a purely social. "People with disabilities need access to common health services, educational, professional and social, as well as all the opportunities available for people without disabilities. Propose an integral approach towards disability and disabled people implies radical changes in everyday life, at various levels. First of all, you must ensure that available services are coordinated by and between the various sectors. The different access needs of different groups of disabled people must be taken into account during the planning process of any activity, and not as a Retrofit to a pre-existing plans. The needs of a disabled person and their family members are numerous, and it is important to develop a comprehensive response that takes into account both the individual and the various aspects of his life "
heavily discussed topic was that of inclusion, the right of all children. And 'it must be remembered that a disabled child is a child first.
"Who is this normal? None. When you are injured by diversity, the first reaction is to accept it, but to deny it. And it is starting to deny normality. Normality does not exist. The lexicon is concerned suddenly becomes secretive, sly, vaguely sarcastic. They are used in oral language, the signs that read: "The usual, in quotes" or "so-called normal" (G. Pontiggia, "Born Twice", 2000, p.41 Oscar Mondadori)
among the tasks of the school is to develop new forms of citizenship, integration of education and knowledge must be analyzed using a broader indicator, able to tell you when you are striving for social production of closeness or distance. We have entered into the knowledge society, which is the new raw material, capital to spend, to consume, to increase to compete, is a company that, apart from its potential has some risks. The ethical problem today concerns the use of their knowledge, which can create categories of difference and establish a process of separation. Access to new technologies, which support the process of dissemination of knowledge, is not democratically distributed among the inhabitants of the planet and social groups that compose it. The hyper-specialization in science create knowledge-power circuits that power from the citizens of important decisions concerning the quality of daily life.
Among other risks, one of the most important is bound to believe a knowledge capital and whoever is in possession becomes a "human resource" usable, replaceable, which has no civil, political, cultural. The consequences are evident: the human, moving from the category "person" to that of "resource", distance from the social part of humanity and makes the other party distances, eliminating over time. In face to face with reality, from my cousin Claudia disabilities to that of every child I know those of the association between Paideia, a responsibility to be fully recovered, led by a mind able to connect what is separated, the consider the relationship between part and whole, to read contexts, to produce close, giving way to normal in any situation, even one that nobody believed could be possible.
Disability is the consequence or the result of a complex relationship between the health condition of an individual and a series of personal and environmental factors that form the context of reference in which the person lives and expresses its capabilities. According to the classification of the ICD (International Classification of Disabilities and Handicaps), it makes a distinction between:
● impairment: any loss or abnormalities of psychological structures or functions,
physiological or anatomical. It may be permanent or transitory. Is the externalization of a pathological condition. ●
disability is interpreted as partial or total reduction of the ability to perform a task on time and in the manner considered normal. It may be temporary or permanent, reversible or irreversible, progressive or regressive. It can also be a direct result of an impairment or a psychological reaction to a physical, sensory or other.
● handicap is a disadvantage resulting from an injury or a disability that limits or prevents the holding of a role in normal in relation to age, gender, social and cultural factors. E 'condition subject to change, better or worse. It is the discrepancy between the efficiency or the status of the subject and the expectations of efficiency and status, both of the same subject, both of the particular group to which he refers. Therefore, reflects the consequences at the cultural, social, economic and environmental impacts that result from the presence of impairment and disability.
With the Declaration of Madrid on the occasion of the International Disability (2003), it was possible to move the interest from a scientific view to a purely social. "People with disabilities need access to common health services, educational, professional and social, as well as all the opportunities available for people without disabilities. Propose an integral approach towards disability and disabled people implies radical changes in everyday life, at various levels. First of all, you must ensure that available services are coordinated by and between the various sectors. The different access needs of different groups of disabled people must be taken into account during the planning process of any activity, and not as a Retrofit to a pre-existing plans. The needs of a disabled person and their family members are numerous, and it is important to develop a comprehensive response that takes into account both the individual and the various aspects of his life "
heavily discussed topic was that of inclusion, the right of all children. And 'it must be remembered that a disabled child is a child first.

Art.2 - Non-discrimination. Member States undertake to respect the rights set forth in this Convention and to ensure that every child within their jurisdiction, without distinction. Member States shall take all appropriate measures to ensure the child is protected against all forms of discrimination.
Art.23 - Children with disabilities: States recognize that a mentally or physically disabled child should enjoy a full life, in conditions which ensure dignity, promote self-reliance and facilitate their active participation in the way of the community. States Parties recognize the right of disabled children to special care in a manner conducive to achieving the fullest possible social integration and personal development.
All children should enjoy the same rights throughout the world regardless of race, religion, culture or disability, no matter what their personal or family circumstances. In 1989, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child and 191 countries (every country in the world except the United States and Somalia) have ratified the Convention by showing willingness to place their children in their political agenda. This Convention has identified all the children s, including the disabled, as holders of rights, establishes a framework for internationally accepted treatment for all and created a stronger global use for safekeeping.
Not all of the 191 governments that have ratified the Convention are striving to achieve goals. One can easily see that children around the world continue to face inequality in everyday life, often the victims of decisions policies, family disruption, low-sighted economic policies, wars and conflicts. Discrimination and abuse are common facts of life for boys and girls with disabilities, they are often excluded from society and are often not given the opportunity to participate. Their situation is often forgotten and ignored.
The International Convention on the Rights of the Child is a particularly interesting document because it is primarily a convention, which is a legally binding document, with almost universal validity with a value much greater than a simple statement
. It is also the first international document on human rights, general printing to devote an article to the issue of disability (Article 23). The presence of this Article shall not in any way limit the application of the Convention throughout the state of the child with a disability, then as we all should be able to enjoy the rights attached to some basic principles:
survival and development - the best interests of the child
- non-discrimination
- active participation of the child
All rights of children reflect their basic needs. The key difference between the needs and rights is the issue of liability. A needs-based approach does not give anyone the responsibility or duty to meet these needs. A rights-based approach means give governments the obligation to create conditions so that they meet the rights of the child.
For the disabled child, the principle of non-discrimination is crucial, and reinforces the fact that each article relates to the disabled child. For example, all children have the right not to be separated from their parents against their will (art. 9). This also applies to disabled children, so when a disabled child at birth is moved away from the family, placed in an institution only for reasons related to his disability and is treated differently from other children, then there is the phenomenon of discrimination, than the fact of infringement of Article 9.
Already Q

The family environment was responsible for giving an initial basic training and essential to human development, which presupposes a good morality from their parents. Instead, the figure of the master was required as a technician and as a man of knowledge, capable of establishing an educational relationship based on mutual sense of respect and affection. The teacher acted as a "spiritual parent", a kind model to be imitated by the pupils. He had to know the psychology of his disciples, so that he could understand and adapt the educational work to the personality and psychology of each particular moment.
According to the theory of Quintilian, the school, designed as a small business, it is true education, where the student learns to live socially, get used to dealing with others, develop relationships with others, unlike what happens with the 'tuition, which is only education. These considerations can be drawn from his work, "Institutio Oratorio", the first of all literature greek-roman pedagogical and the last. E’ stato detto che di essa solo nove libri sarebbero stati inclusi in un trattato di retorica, mentre gli altri tre, il I, il II e il XII, sono di natura essenzialmente pedagogica. Per altri, invece, la parte educativa si restringerebbe al primo e secondo volume.
MAGISTER "[...] Sumat igitur ante omnia parentis erga discipulos suos animum, ac succedere se in eorum locum, a quibus sibi liberi tradantur, existimet. Ipse nec habeat vitia nec ferat. Non austeritas eius tristis, non dissoluta sit comitas, ne inde odium hinc contemptus oriatur. Plurimus ei de honesto ac bono sermo sit; nam quo saepius monuerit, hoc rarius castigabit. Minime iracundus, nec tamen eorum, quae emendanda erunt, dissimulator; simplex in docendo; patiens laboris; assiduus potius quam immodicus. Interrogantibus libenter respondeat, non interrogantes percontetur ultro. In laudandis discipulorum dictionibus nec malignus nec effusus, quia res altera taedium laboris, altera securitatem parit. In emendando, quae corrigenda erunt, non acerbus minimeque contumeliosus; nam id quidem multos a proposito studendi fugat, quod quidam sic obiurgant quasi oderint. Ipse aliquid immo multa cotidie dicat, quae secum auditores referant. Licet enim satis exemplorum ad imitandum ex lectione suppedit, tamen viva illa, ut dicitur, vox alit plenius praecipueque eius praeceptoris, quem discipuli, si modo recte sunt instituti, et amant et verentur. Vix autem dici potest, quanto libentius imitemur eos, quibus favemus. [...]".
(The teacher) First of all, therefore, to assume the attitude of his disciples, a father, and may wish to take the place of those from whom are entrusted their children. I personally do not have defects or tolerates them. Its severity is not grim, his kindness is not too high, lest they be generated by hate, despise the other. His speeches are more often honesty and goodness, and in fact the more often admonish, punish much more rarely. There is nothing to temper, and yet pretend not to see defects to be corrected, to teach simple, resistant to fatigue, continued to be too demanding. To those who willingly answer their questions, and questioned its own initiative, those who did not ask him anything. In praising the practice of the disciples is neither (too) or severe (too) generous, because the first sentiment raises the dislike of work, the second (excessive) Security. In correcting those defects to be corrected is not harsh nor abusive, because just that many away from the purpose of study, namely the fact that some criticize as if they hated. He personally say something every day, indeed many things that school children can bring via con sé. Sebbene infatti (il maestro) possa fornire attraverso la lettura sufficienti esempi da imitare, tuttavia la cosiddetta "viva voce" nutre più abbondantemente, e specialmente quella di un insegnante che i discepoli, solo che siano bene istruiti, amano e rispettano. A malapena si può dire, poi, quanto più volentieri imitiamo quelli per cui proviamo simpatia
DISCIPULI "[...] Itaque et virium plus adferunt ad discendum renovati ac recentes et acriorem animum, qui fere necessitatibus repugnat. Nec me offenderit lusus in pueris (est et hoc signum alacritatis), neque illuni tristem semperque demissum sperare possim erectae circa studia mentis fore, cum in hoc quoque maxime naturali aetatibus illis impetu iaceat. Modus tamen sit remissionibus, ne aut odium studiorum faciant negatae aut otii consuetudinem nimiae. Sunt etiam nonnulli acuendis puerorum ingeniis non inutiles lusus, cum positis invicem cuiusque generis quaestiunculis aemulantur. Mores quoque se inter ludendum simplicius detegunt: modo nulla videatur aetas tam infirma quae non protinus quid rectum pravumque sit discat, tum vel maxime formanda cum simulandi nescia est et praecipientibus facillime cedit; frangas enim citius quam corrigas quae in pravum induruerunt[…]”.
Therefore once regenerated and fresh energy (the children) spend learning more forces and at the same time, a sharper mind, mind to kick in some way the constraints. And I would not disadvantage the game in children (although this is a sign of vitality) and on the other hand I could not hope to show you with a receptive mind about what that child was studying and always bow to one side, since that remains inert in the momentum that should be particularly natural at that age. The moments of rest, however, must have a certain degree, so that, if denied, arouse distaste for the study or, if paid too large, causing a habit idleness. There are also some games far from useless to sharpen the minds of children, when (for example) they set up competitions emulation proposing another small questions or problems of any kind. In the game the character can be discovered at greater openness, they do not seem that no age is so weak that it can not directly learn what is good and what is evil, and above all it must be formed, when it is not able to pretend and you leave with great easily molded by teachers: it could take away more quickly than to correct the negative aspects of the character you are strongly rooted .
SCHOOL INTEGRATION Integration is a long process that has undergone profound changes since the seventies. Five are the moments to be highlighted, marked with different logical gradually:
● logic of exclusion (up to 50s)
● logic of medicalisation (60)
● logic integration (early 70s)
● logic integration (up to 90 years)
● logic of the law, the personalization of the "Special Normal" (today) No Normal
Integration Inclusion
Special Normal
Fantasy mankind has always been affected by different and often reacted by displaying fear, rejection or sanctity, but also compassion and love, and almost never indifference.
Only later with the development of medicine and pediatrics we approached the problem scientifically.

Among the first documents 'scientific' that are treating people with mental retardation has survived, in 1801, that of Dr. Jean Itard who made comments about a child abandoned and recovered in a forest, on which had been formulated an initial diagnosis of deaf and perhaps idiocy. For the belated initiation of rehabilitative treatment education, the child remained "deaf" to the human language. From what Itard guess that the total lack of exercise makes our bodies unsuitable for their operation. This fact is the law of the atrophy.
Towards the end of the 800, open the first schools address these cases "special", especially the deaf and dumb, as well as mentally handicapped. For a time they are also entrusted to Maria Montessori, a leading educationist, who can demonstrate how even children with severe forms of mental retardation can achieve significant results in reading and writing. In 1908, it lays
the first special classes, which take those students who are unable to attend regular classes.
At this time the educational institution is not invested with the problem of mismatch, so we are talking about Logic exclusion. It is expressed through two acts: the refusal and the delegation. The first is the belief that the public school state should not intervene in the issue of the mentally disabled and to the possible formation and forbids the presence in the classroom with the decrees Act of 1923.
In fact, the laws and ministerial regulations seek to isolate the different turning in special schools or special classes. The origin of this is due to deficiencies in state and the sensitivity of small local communities and great personalities of educators who are committed to this sector of education.
No wonder such a behavior: Italy from an agricultural society to an industrial city, has not yet scheduled the need for more skilled labor force, between the workers and laborers. The school, in fact, provides them with the first ability to read, write, count and indispensable "patriotism."
LOGIC medicalization
Since the 60s the state of direct relevance to the severe disabilities by strengthening and diversification of the structures special. The handicap is seen as a social disease with an approach like "doctor". These focus on the deficit and a specialist will establish the diagnosis "descriptive": students are so classified, so that its label (the deaf-mute, autistic ...) leads the teacher to give importance only to the conduct covered in reviews already issued.
not change the attitude of society towards the "other", but merely to protect the able-bodied. In fact, it supports the need to give disabled children something more than the other that the family and the school can not give, but in reality it marginalizes.

E. Levinas, author of "Totality and Infinity," states that "the ethics of the Other itself moves from the awareness that every individual must respect the difference of the other, except that it is unfathomable mystery, since we know nothing of others. What we think we know the other is only our image of others, in fact the others are inaccessible to our true knowledge. Nothing can bring my self to truly embrace the other being, even the love understood as a desire to merge with each other. In fact, the man can only tend towards each other, recognizing the infinite difference which exists between being and being. "
The economic boom of the '60s and '70s in schools brings many" other students "in its language and culture, so many places in the" industrial triangle "the special classes are filled with cultural and social disadvantage. In little more than a decade, the classes of special schools of elementary and middle rise dramatically.
In North America, where research on disability and rehabilitation begins after the war, studies psychology Italian influence the debate by contributing to the turn of the next period, by passing the concept of special schools.
The economic boom of the '60s and '70s in schools brings many" other students "in its language and culture, so many places in the" industrial triangle "the special classes are filled with cultural and social disadvantage. In little more than a decade, the classes of special schools of elementary and middle rise dramatically.
In North America, where research on disability and rehabilitation begins after the war, studies psychology Italian influence the debate by contributing to the turn of the next period, by passing the concept of special schools.
important are studies on the comparison between Goldfarb

are beginning to be questioned about the institutionalization and special schools, not just by researchers but also by the families themselves, seeking solutions for the placement. It comes to the disclosure in 1971 of the Charter of the "Right to equal educational opportunities," extended to all disabled people. Taking as its starting experience backed by the inclusion of "normalization" that promotes the belief that everyone, disabled or not, should be able to take advantage of educational programs in the least restrictive possible.
the late 60s still lack the ability to deal with the difficult challenge rationality and integration we are witnessing the emergence of two opposing sides for or against the inclusion, for or against the continuation of special schools. This reveals two convictions: the school must ensure that all the time and learning opportunities for personal development, must be open to the entire social community and, with respect to issues of disability is enshrined the principle that education should be compulsory in school.
are part of the school, especially in the primary, the disabled also very serious creating strong reactions of rejection and segregation within classes.
need to make this critical considerations, including the naive view of the school that seems to be enough physical placement (ie spending more time at school) to provide benefits to the disabled, despite the lack of reflection to implement strategies to implement an effective integration taking into consideration the complexity of variables and methods to achieve them.
The opening of the school, despite the inevitable resistance, has been effective and has produced and promoted debates on the various matters arising insertion.
With the 1975 round argued that the inclusion in ordinary schools would have been possible by the transformation and renovation of schools.
The innovations introduced by subsequent laws and the New Program of 1985 for elementary school, and for other types of school until the '90s, acknowledge that the presence of disability in school is not as something exceptional to be addressed, because the insertion is a widespread reality, almost a foregone conclusion.
The pedagogical debate, and urged that accompanied the process of integration of disabled students, has a common denominator: the conviction of the existence of a close relationship between innovation and integration of the school.
There is no integration without change.

With the law 104/92 the disabled is a "legal entity" and, therefore, was made a series of measures aimed at full fulfillment of this right. Today
pupils with disabilities live their educational experience with all the other comrades, are each a resource for civil and educational growth and development of cognitive potential of all.
should consider that not always and everywhere the inclusion is perfectly successful. In fact it is not a value that you buy once and for all, but is expressed gradually with new challenges, contradictions between school and school, between school and territory, including land and territory.
The challenge is to improve learning with individualized learning and good team to develop all potential individuals. Instead, the flexibility of autonomy schools talk about diversity as a value, both for those who learn, and for those who teach. Moreover, the integration between different services and strategies to fully realize a life project that gives hope and a future to all the different personal circumstances.
Dall 'September 1, 2000 the Italian schools are autonomous: the goal is to raise the cultural level and educational success.
The reference to a "more normal disability" seems to mirror the concept of "special

Ianes, a proponent of this theory, states that "the normality of the need for education and training is the same as all other candidates [...] because everyone needs a development and a normal function as possible and as possible to meeting the normal requirements of the normal places of life. In this essential normality, however, are the specialty, the difference and individuality, even extreme, some characteristics, which relate to the person (in her state of health), its participation in social and contextual factors that mediate, facilitate or impede it. "
In special situations are so very normal, or rather first of all meet the norm, and it is this sense of strength that made clear the special schools and all other situations segregating. We also find the Special
Normality in the growing heterogeneity of classes, increasing both in terms of the real presence of pupils with special features (it think only of the rapid increase of students in high school) in terms of increasing ability and willingness of teachers to understand the differences and individuality, groped to respond in a more individualized. We find the Special
Normality in that increasing numbers of students "normal" but have special educational needs that must be addressed properly, such as learning disabilities, lack of self-esteem or motivation. We also find the Special
Normality in greater awareness of individual differences on normal, the "best" and individuality of the students, asking differentiation in teaching. So we see the more normal multi-faceted and rich in elements and characteristics of specialty: even the most seemingly normal nell'alunno are significant differences, which are known and which should be given the possibility of expression and appreciation.
Special Education
This type of education is able to capture the multidimensionality of thinking considering the uniqueness, location, temporality, and to never forget the totally integrated.
The special education as pedagogy of complexity and diversity aimed at "reducing disability, requires knowledge in various fields of knowledge, not excluded practices related to everyday life. It is a science whose boundaries are not defined once and for all, as they are revised in the unending search for possible solutions, where the enhanced ability to interpret the deficits and disabilities is the basic principle of integration perspective . Knowing how to read the different means, in fact, identify opportunities and resources to bring them back to the common territory.
telling, as the ability to accept their own identity in comparison with other necessary, but always presupposes a recognition, a story developed in order to a recipient, the result of educational relationships based on reciprocity, which help the subj ect

This type of education is the ability to talk to past and future of different subject, in order to recognize its true protagonist of the path of human self-realization. It is to adopt a pedagogy of diversity promotion of research and discovery, respectful of the complexity of existing problems, can trigger intervention strategies-educational teaching, able to ban any stagnant paideia education, through the use of models of intervention that enhance the value of personal autonomy. The diversity should therefore be interpreted as the historical-existential category enriching the lives of all human beings.
The main purpose is to "reduce disability," or in the appropriate tapping the potential of each individual: improving the quality of life of the disabled.
The diversity of deficit and disability are the specific subject of investigation of special education. Education is not health care, but results in a system of ongoing communication rules, social, relational able to allow each to become what it can, to form.
is a pedagogy of "taking care" to resume the teaching of Heidegger, which still distinguishes the 'take care "from the" caring "is based on the ability to connect, educational meeting, several individuals with their particular history, generating new patterns of existential meaning, intentionally and especially by maintaining awareness of the contextuality of the request for help or care.
must first establish that the human being is essentially a living entity and home values, which may not even be considered instrumental to another human being. The man is a person, ie a value in itself and self, the bearer of values \u200b\u200bat any age and any physical or mental condition.
The concept of "person" refers to a reality without connoting physical traits or body, while the term "individual" refers to specific physical characteristics. It can therefore say that the concept of person is inclusive of the concept of the individual. Jacques Maritain (author of "Integral Humanism") writes in this regard:

"difference" comes from disferre, which means "to carry across", "take over". Because of its difference, each person should be possible to create and expand in all its fullness the original, making it "different" not only from others but from themselves, their limitations, from his own experience, from their environment. In order not to deteriorate in conformity and repetition, must cultivate their talents, to learn from their experiences, build relationships enriching.
The concept of "diversity" by disvertere, that "turning in the opposite direction," accentuates the difference. It refers to the idea of \u200b\u200bdissimilarity, with deviation from a norm, what is more common. The diversity, therefore, requires recognition and respect, rather than ambiguous forms of help and support, which more or less consciously tend to assimilate.
define "different" the alien, the abnormal, you use a generic categorization to refer to a particular ethnic, cultural, physical, doing so wrong in its nature unique and unrepeatable. We can not help but enhance the magnificent diversity of the like.
It 's important not to focus on what can not but welcome the subject as it is, for this to happen it is essential that everyone coming into the world, having someone to take care of him, with which to build a special relationship and that the aid in the discovery of individual identity. The intelligence makes possible the construction of categories and classifications, but also overcome them. Home means considering the individual as a person who must be preserved in dignity, which has its own needs, primary and secondary, resulting from the subjective history.
limits create rejection, pain, enormous frustration, great effort by the parents of a disabled child. This applies even if differently, if a healthy child becomes disabled, as it has new limits. It 's easier to help the disabled, either by the parents of both operators, if there is a proper understanding of its limitations and its potential.
There are aspects of the person who is essential to consider: the feelings, moods, values, and individual rules. Who is disabled and needs help and care, must also be respected in their inner world, the universe of reference that belongs to him.
work with disabled people brought into contact with the pain and the limit, it is natural to be afraid, but you must have self-awareness and know with precision and depth to set the situation of the proper relationship of help. Can also offer help supplement: add what is missing, harmonize, complement, find ways which everyone can play a role, albeit small, can interact and feel useful to be able to do something. The premise of this is the recognition of being.
E 'through the expression and the comparison that each individual builds the personality, but if the communication is denied, if there is no possibility of knowing the difference, how can we grow? We must look in the mirror to see how we are and the eyes of those we face are truly the best mirrors. Through dialogue and debate is that everyone can discover their own abilities and this applies to the disabled person as one who helps, and if a relationship is genuine in his game, each party shall also identify what needs to overcome within himself.
One of the rights and needs of the disabled person must be recognized is that you can know more and more the world around him, he could try, as much as possible, new realities. It should be recognized for people with disabilities the right experience, opportunities to make them suffer or may even make them more aware of the difficulties. So learn to deal with obstacles, endure frustration, sometimes to feel rejected. It 'important that the differently abled can imagine in a story at a time, to seek their role and this is the only correct way to make it grow, but must be other things to begin to dream and design "on him."
Another need that our culture recognizes just for people with disabilities is to play an active role. Precisely because they are put at the top of the difficulties and skills, work activities that the disabled person has to perform are repetitive and sterile, have no value in itself, nor a productive outlet. We should give them some solutions because the fears of the future, loneliness, need help, can be neutralized, so it would be easier to imagine a future build. The a disability has the right to grow up and build their own story.
Giuseppe Pontiggia, Born Twice, 2000, Oscar Mondadori
Quintilian: http / / www.dubladidattica.it / quintiliano.html (10 / 4 / 2009) Convention on the Rights of
Child: http / / www.informahandicap.it (10/04/2009)
Disability: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Integration and Special Education: http / / www.bussolascuola.it (10/04/2009)
( by Antonello and F. D. Tessaro)
http / / www.laboratorioculturale.blogspot.com (10/04/2009)

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The thesis is entitled: HUMAN RELATIONSHIP WITH NATURE (2009)
Since its appearance on Earth, man had to constantly interact with their surroundings: lots of early hominids, which considered the result of natural phenomena the action of divine forces to appease them by unknown with rituals and sacrifices, as the exponents of the highest philosophy have all tried to understand what the role of man in the world in which - to use an expression borrowed existentialism - is to be thrown.
The different interpretations of this question by poets, artists and philosophers of every age have given rise to various perceptions, ranging from the conception of a benign nature, capable of entering into sympathetic resonance with the human passions, and one of a kind evil, interested only in their collective survival at the expense of the lives of individuals. Between these two poles you can find many other interpretations, such as brown or pampsichismo organicism purposive and immanence Schelling, to name a few.
In order to consider any of the authors of works concerning this issue, we find first, beginning with those wanting to enter into peaceful coexistence with nature, the Alexandrian poet Theocritus.
Born in Syracuse around 315 a. C. and died in Alexandria at the court of King Ptolemy II Philadelphus, he was the spokesman for a less doctrinaire than Hellenism of Callimachus and Apollonius of Rhodes, but, because of this moderation, more worthy of literary fortune. However, even as a poet Theocritus is configured product: he pioneered the use hexameter, a harbinger of combative energy epics, as a signifier of a post opposite, in fact, are expressed in hexameter poets pastors describing the campaign as a locus amoenus in which they are perfectly integrated. In this, the author does not exempt the use of a certain irony in respect of the characters: it arises from the discrepancy created between the realism with which feature the shepherds and the poetic skills that they flaunt.
a text that would suggest the above mentioned is the seventh idyll: in Talise, the character of Simichida, narrator of the story and alter-ego of Theocritus himself, received from the goatherd Licid, famous for the sweetness of the song, his staff in recognition of poetic skill and resumed the journey to the venue, which the poet provides a description of the warm colors, typical of summer Arcadian. In this work we present the concluding lines.
So I said, and he
, smiling sweetly,
as before, the staff gave me, which
hospitable gift of the Muses
and turn left, went on the road to
Pissa and we, started
eucrites, the bell'Amíntico and myself from
Frasidàmo on soft couches with soft mastic
we sit and just-picked grape leaves
with great enjoyment. About Us
vigorously shook
a dense forest of elms and poplars nearby and gushing, gurgling from the antrum
the sacred spring and the shady branches
rush to the cicadas scream
blackened by the sun.
away from the frog croaking by thorns
thick of thorns.
singing larks and finches, doves
groaned and flew around the golden bees
at the sources. Everything smelled of fat
summer, the smell of harvest.
Pears rolled at our feet,
apples on our backs, plenty
and branches under the weight of the plums came
bent to the ground. From the head of the pitchers
melted the seals pitch four years.
Nymphs of Castalia, Dweller
of steep Parnassus, Chiron
ever put such a crater in the old Hercules
in the cave of Pholus, full of stones? Perhaps at the
Anapo Polyphemus
the strongman who struck pastor
ships with the mountains, in the den
was persuaded to dance by this nectar, which
, nymphs, you did result
to drink at the altar of Demeter,
Protecting the Hague? On his pile
can I plant a big fan is
and the goddess
laugh with his hands full of sheaves of wheat and poppies.
(Idylls, VII, 130-157)
From the poetry of Theocritus builds on the first production of Virgil. The
the Latin poet singer composed of Aeneas in fact referring to the model of the Eclogues Idylls of the Syracusan poet. The work in question sensitivity stems from the deep interior of Virgil: he attends to the violence of civil wars, from which consolidated the power goes out progressively more despotic Emperor Augustus, at the court of which Virgil is accepted for propaganda purposes: the 'Haud Mollia IUSS "Maecenas have In fact, the Georgics origin. The Eclogues, however, are composed spontaneously. In line with the λάθε βιώσας Epicureanism, they are a refuge from reality: all'infuriare of civil war and the expropriation of land, Virgil contrasts a locus amoenus peaceful and secure that can afford to alienate, at least in thought, from disorder the outside world. Although he has found inspiration for some places, the Latin poet teocriteo deviates from the model, as pointed out by Bruno Snell. The shepherds of Virgil idealized characters are in fact very far from reality, pure as their songs: this is determined by the desire to move away from reality. The German philologist noted that precisely these 'pastors are so far from the true rural life because from that city's finest, "as well as their modes of expression are incomparable to the dispute between Eumaeus and Melanzio Odyssey. Also missing in the Eclogues the element of irony, which takes over in place of a tragic pathos of ancestry: despite the initially intended purpose, the author does not manages to keep away from the melancholy arising Eclogues the bitter political situation prevailing in the state. The insecurity of land holdings Melibeus, threatened by expropriations, reflects that of Virgil. Another difference between the two authors lies in the types of landscape described: Theocritus and is fascinated by the warm places Arcadian, Virgil sings an Arcadia-like in their hometowns: Cisalpine Gaul vanished in the "golden haze of distance" (B. Snell ): sad these places are just a mirror of a soul just as sad as that of the poet. Here's an example.
MelibeoFortunato old! So will your fields, and large enough for you, although the bare pietrae the muddy swamp with reeds invade all pascoli.Non strongly affect pregnant sheep grazing unusual or contamination of a nearby herd will danno.Fortunato old, known here among the sacred river will enjoy the cool shade of sources Here on the border near the fence forever, sucked into its flowers by bees Iblean willow, often with slight whisper invite you to fall asleep; of below a high cliff singing the air the trimmer, and meanwhile the roche doves, your love, and the plane dove elm will not stop moaning.
(Eclogues, eclogue I, vv. 46-57)
A more radical adherence to Epicurean thought is that of Lucretius:
He puts this philosophy to the base of his rationalism. De rerum natura in the title contains a strong destructive of all those beliefs that have clouded the minds of men by making them believe whatever their excessive and instilling fear in life. The poem Lucretius then have a very high level of risk for those in power, both in Roman society, both in the Middle Ages: for this reason he was so often censored. In his work of revelation of the true nature of things, Lucretius uses a prophetic tone, and this aspect is very interesting: he is therefore to define it with an almost oxymoronic, the true prophet.
Why stand in life
(Night Song of a Wandering Shepherd in Asia, vv. 53-60)
It 's interesting to compare the night song of a wandering shepherd Asia with the second Idyll of Theocritus, for while the protagonist of This Simet, imagine a participation of the moon to its magical rituals (in fact occurs the refrain in the poem "Do you think from where it started my love, Moon God"), the protagonist of that, the wandering shepherd, includes the strangeness of the moon - as a synecdoche of all nature - to human affairs.
O courteous nature,
Similar to Giacomo Leopardi's thought is that of Arthur Schopenhauer: for both, life is a "pendulum between boredom and pain "and any pleasure derived by the termination of a previous pain (pleasure son of breathlessness). The philosopher
Danzig believes that every living creature, then the whole world, and objectification of the intention of the will We Live (Wille zum Leben), a self-preservation instinct, the irrational impulse (for the intention of this feature, some saw in it an antecedent of the Freudian unconscious) that Schopenhauer believes it is nothing but the thing itself , as sought by Kant as the idealists mortified. It is not unattainable and the only way to reach it is the noumenal autointuizione that it gives us our body: in fact the man is not a 'winged angel's head without a body. " Access to the thing in itself allows us to pierce the veil of Maya (a term that derives from Eastern philosophies, which Schopenhauer admired), ie the representation. And it is on dichotomy between desire and representation that is made all Schopenhauer's philosophy. While the first phenomenon in Kant enjoyed a certain importance because, as the noumenon of reach, sensory experience was the only man who could feel, now in Schopenhauer has finally managed to overcome the veil of representation in achieving it itself. However, this is a bitter surprise, as it turns out that the noumenon, that is the intention of it is a bad thing: the real substance of the world is evil! This desire is unconscious and is the only reason as a means to achieve their goals, is unique because it exists outside of the categories of space, time and causality and objective step by step: - Neo-Platonic influence - first in the archetypes (the Platonic ideas), then in every creature and object. Being outside of time, the will is eternal, and being irrational, that is, outside the category of cause, it is also absurd and blind: for each event will not be able to understand only part of the will itself, recognizing only itself, and therefore sees only the other instruments to exploit for their own survival, not other manifestations of the same will. Since this will is evil, it must be fought, that is transformed into noluntas: To accomplish this, Schopenhauer has two solutions: the ethics of compassion and asceticism, the latter of eastern origin. The first is to come to the realization that what seems to me other than me in fact it is not because we are all phenomenal objectification of the will is therefore a noble form of altruism and selflessness.
The second proposes the annulment of the will through the attainment of nirvana. Schopenhauer condemns suicide, considering that, rather than a renunciation of the will, a greater claim to it, because making such a gesture will not reject an individual but their poor living conditions.
There are some differences between the world views of the two thinkers. The philosopher Schopenhauer thought
is more complex than that of Leopardi: the latter admits suicide, believes that only the human condition is bad, not the entire world, and feels - like Augustine - evil as the absence of good. This view is more pessimistic than that of the philosopher of Gdansk, because it puts a negative intention of leaving the hope that it will be converted into something positive, while in the Leopards could not be done.
pampsichistico the vein, is part of the Rime of the Ancient Mariner Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
In this poem nature is an organism that lives in harmony with man, unless he does not sin of blasphemy against him, as if killing dell'albatro, accomplished without a reason from the old sailor. In this act of revenge following υβρις very hard by nature: death, divine, wins the hearts of sailors of the crew, who perished in agony, the Life-in-death, also in the form of deities , wins the soul of the old sailor, who is forced to suffer until the appearance of sea snakes of many colors and repentance of the protagonist. This is a watershed moment in the story: the first creatures were gathering around the vessel monstrous and evil spirits described in the romantic style for the dark and monstrous, after, the creatures take on a positive value: guide the sailor on the right track, in real sense is, both figuratively. The protagonist learns in this way, the respect for nature, behind which is hidden from the divine, but is condemned to tell their stories forever. The ballad is thus composed of a ring.
It is a story in the narrative: it opens with the stone guest of marriage that can not escape the story of the Ancient Mariner, lured by the magical power of this man, and ends with the same stone guest which vanishes' sadder but more become wise. " The size of Coleridge
lies in describing scenes and surreal supernatural make it as close as possible to the story of an adventure really happened. For this purpose does a work of purging the lexicon, trying to reach a language 'as old as the ancient mariner, ancient and simple, full of all the wonder of books and travel. [... ] It 's the ideal language, lost in the diversification of social, historical, individual: each time found from the poem. It 's the first word of the language by which a man breaks the silence "(Geneva Bompiani).
The ice was here,
HUMAN RELATIONSHIP WITH NATURE Valerio Toldonato (Maturity 2009, Liceo classico Alfieri, Asti)

The different interpretations of this question by poets, artists and philosophers of every age have given rise to various perceptions, ranging from the conception of a benign nature, capable of entering into sympathetic resonance with the human passions, and one of a kind evil, interested only in their collective survival at the expense of the lives of individuals. Between these two poles you can find many other interpretations, such as brown or pampsichismo organicism purposive and immanence Schelling, to name a few.
In order to consider any of the authors of works concerning this issue, we find first, beginning with those wanting to enter into peaceful coexistence with nature, the Alexandrian poet Theocritus.

a text that would suggest the above mentioned is the seventh idyll: in Talise, the character of Simichida, narrator of the story and alter-ego of Theocritus himself, received from the goatherd Licid, famous for the sweetness of the song, his staff in recognition of poetic skill and resumed the journey to the venue, which the poet provides a description of the warm colors, typical of summer Arcadian. In this work we present the concluding lines.
So I said, and he
, smiling sweetly,
as before, the staff gave me, which
hospitable gift of the Muses
and turn left, went on the road to
Pissa and we, started
eucrites, the bell'Amíntico and myself from
Frasidàmo on soft couches with soft mastic
we sit and just-picked grape leaves
with great enjoyment. About Us
vigorously shook
a dense forest of elms and poplars nearby and gushing, gurgling from the antrum
the sacred spring and the shady branches
rush to the cicadas scream
blackened by the sun.
away from the frog croaking by thorns
thick of thorns.
singing larks and finches, doves
groaned and flew around the golden bees
at the sources. Everything smelled of fat
summer, the smell of harvest.
Pears rolled at our feet,
apples on our backs, plenty
and branches under the weight of the plums came
bent to the ground. From the head of the pitchers
melted the seals pitch four years.
Nymphs of Castalia, Dweller
of steep Parnassus, Chiron
ever put such a crater in the old Hercules
in the cave of Pholus, full of stones? Perhaps at the
Anapo Polyphemus
the strongman who struck pastor
ships with the mountains, in the den
was persuaded to dance by this nectar, which
, nymphs, you did result
to drink at the altar of Demeter,
Protecting the Hague? On his pile
can I plant a big fan is
and the goddess
laugh with his hands full of sheaves of wheat and poppies.
(Idylls, VII, 130-157)
From the poetry of Theocritus builds on the first production of Virgil. The

MelibeoFortunato old! So will your fields, and large enough for you, although the bare pietrae the muddy swamp with reeds invade all pascoli.Non strongly affect pregnant sheep grazing unusual or contamination of a nearby herd will danno.Fortunato old, known here among the sacred river will enjoy the cool shade of sources Here on the border near the fence forever, sucked into its flowers by bees Iblean willow, often with slight whisper invite you to fall asleep; of below a high cliff singing the air the trimmer, and meanwhile the roche doves, your love, and the plane dove elm will not stop moaning.
(Eclogues, eclogue I, vv. 46-57)
A more radical adherence to Epicurean thought is that of Lucretius:

O miserable minds of men, spirits or blind!
How dark existence and great dangers
between what we spend this short life!
(De rerum natura, II, vv. 14-16)
Lucretius puts great emphasis on the importance of Epicurus, reserving several accolades during decanting of the poem and as the discoverer of the true benefactor of mankind: Lucretius himself acknowledges In fact, the greek philosopher authorship of the doctrine set forth in the poem.
When human life lay before her eyes shamefully
How dark existence and great dangers
between what we spend this short life!
(De rerum natura, II, vv. 14-16)
Lucretius puts great emphasis on the importance of Epicurus, reserving several accolades during decanting of the poem and as the discoverer of the true benefactor of mankind: Lucretius himself acknowledges In fact, the greek philosopher authorship of the doctrine set forth in the poem.
When human life lay before her eyes shamefully
on earth crushed under the heavy religion
that protruded from the head regions of the sky
looming on men with horrible looks,
first a greek man dared to raise against
mortal eyes and against the first object, and not
The curb the fame of the
nor lightning nor the sky with the threatening murmur, but this is more stimulating
the burning power of the spirit, wanting to
first to break the tight nature of the doors ironmongery .
So prevailed lively soul force, and advanced long
beyond the walls inflamed universe
and traveled with the reason and the mind the vast universe, which
, victorious, shows us what can be born,
what can not, then why has everything
a law adopted and a limit fixed deeply.
So religion put under your feet in turn
is trampled, victory equals us to heaven.
(De rerum natura, I, vv. 62-79)
Now the truth is finally revealed to the human eye, superstition and religion has ceased to deceive. Unfortunately, the discovery of the true nature of things brings with it great bitterness: it comes to the sad conclusion as true and palpable that the world was not created for man, who to live within it must adapt by using his reason, while other creatures are at their wildest comfortable for natural constitution.
And even do not know what the first elements of things,
(De rerum natura, I, vv. 62-79)
Now the truth is finally revealed to the human eye, superstition and religion has ceased to deceive. Unfortunately, the discovery of the true nature of things brings with it great bitterness: it comes to the sad conclusion as true and palpable that the world was not created for man, who to live within it must adapt by using his reason, while other creatures are at their wildest comfortable for natural constitution.
And even do not know what the first elements of things,
dare say this, however, according to the same phenomena
proof of heaven and under many other things:
that the nature of the world was not at all willing
by divine will for us, so it has a big flaw.
First place, as it covers the wide expanse of the sky,
a large part is occupied by mountains and forests
domain of wild animals, possess the cliffs and deserted
marshes and the sea that large banks of land separating the .
addition, almost two thirds
the scorching heat and freezing them out of the regular fall to mortals.
What remains of farmland, nature with its strength
the cover of brambles, however, if you do not resist the force of man,
accustomed to the needs of life to wail on the robust
hoe and plow the land, driving them at the bottom of the plow.
If, with the ploughshare turning the fruitful glebe and wonder
the soil of the land, not stimulate them to be born,
plants could not arise spontaneously in pure air;
and yet, at times, procured with great difficulty, when
already leafed through the fields and all thrive,
or burns with excessive sun heats the ethereal
or destroy the sudden rains and cold brine,
and devastated by violent the blowing of the wind turbines.
And then the hideous race of wild beasts,
enemy of mankind, because the nature on land and sea
and increases the power? Why do the seasons bring
diseases? Because the sudden death wanders here and there?
And also, the child, as a sailor on shore threw
by raging waves, lies naked on the floor, unable to speak,
in need of any help to live, just the nature him out
with efforts outside of the womb to the shores of light,
and fills the place of a mournful cry, as it should
for a life that must go through many evils. But growing
various domestic animals, the cattle and wild beasts, or
need rattles, no need for
the babbling voice of the loving and affectionate nurse,
or they require different capacities according to the seasons;
Finally, do not need weapons or high walls,
to protect their assets, since for all
widely throughout the earth itself produce and nature artist.
(De rerum natura, V, vv. 195-234)
This interpretation of the nature and the fact that the poem ends with a tragic event such as the plague of Athens leave no doubt pessimism about Lucretius.
These two Latin authors of the first century BC, are the founders of two strands in the opposite direction crossing the literature of all time: the concept of a nature indifferent to human needs has enormous importance in the work of Giacomo Leopardi (whose will later), that of nature as a refuge of the poet who rejects the reality is at the base of the poetics of Giovanni Pascoli.
An important fact which puts it rightly in the footsteps of the Virgilian tradition is the fact that his first collection of poems, Myricae, takes its name from a term that you encounter in one of the first verses of the Fourth Bucolica .
Pascoli lives a life troubled by many family losses, the most serious of which is the death of his father 10 August 1867, when the poet was only twelve years. This childhood trauma stops the growth of pastures in many aspects of social life, making it impossible to achieve milestones such as marriage and removal from her sister Mary, known affectionately Mariù, with whom spend their whole life. This closure of the poet in his family is expressed in more intimate poetry through the concept of the "nest." His poetry also addresses the theme of the young child, on the theory that each person also retains his old adult and child sensitivity. For this reason, the poet is also visionary: through a childhood vision of reality, he is able to grasp issues invisible to those who will listen to the young child. Pastures look candidly describes the nature and specific terms and even onomatopoeia, while managing to keep a record high. Through language, which creates its own symbolism, as is evident in the poem The night jasmine, in which descriptions of flowers, fruits and other natural elements that allude to the sexual act, a reality which the poet looks at a certain distance , index of the inner turmoil experienced by Pascoli.
The Night Jasmine (from Canti di Castelvecchio)
E the flowers were opened at night,
(De rerum natura, V, vv. 195-234)
This interpretation of the nature and the fact that the poem ends with a tragic event such as the plague of Athens leave no doubt pessimism about Lucretius.
These two Latin authors of the first century BC, are the founders of two strands in the opposite direction crossing the literature of all time: the concept of a nature indifferent to human needs has enormous importance in the work of Giacomo Leopardi (whose will later), that of nature as a refuge of the poet who rejects the reality is at the base of the poetics of Giovanni Pascoli.

Pascoli lives a life troubled by many family losses, the most serious of which is the death of his father 10 August 1867, when the poet was only twelve years. This childhood trauma stops the growth of pastures in many aspects of social life, making it impossible to achieve milestones such as marriage and removal from her sister Mary, known affectionately Mariù, with whom spend their whole life. This closure of the poet in his family is expressed in more intimate poetry through the concept of the "nest." His poetry also addresses the theme of the young child, on the theory that each person also retains his old adult and child sensitivity. For this reason, the poet is also visionary: through a childhood vision of reality, he is able to grasp issues invisible to those who will listen to the young child. Pastures look candidly describes the nature and specific terms and even onomatopoeia, while managing to keep a record high. Through language, which creates its own symbolism, as is evident in the poem The night jasmine, in which descriptions of flowers, fruits and other natural elements that allude to the sexual act, a reality which the poet looks at a certain distance , index of the inner turmoil experienced by Pascoli.
The Night Jasmine (from Canti di Castelvecchio)
E the flowers were opened at night,
hour you think of 'my dear.
have surfaced in the midst of the viburnum
crepuscular butterflies.
one piece is the silent cry:
one piece is the silent cry:
alone a house whispers.
Under the wings sleeping nests,
as the eyes under the eyelids. Have you opened
exhales the smell of strawberries.
shines a light into the room beyond.
born the grass over the graves.
bee whispers late
bee whispers late
cells are already taken.
Chioccetta The Hague for the blue
goes with his peep of stars.
All night s'esala
All night s'esala
the smell that goes with the wind.
Switch the light on the stairs;
shines on the first floor is off. . .
is dawn close the petals
is dawn close the petals
a little crumpled,
are hatching inside the ballot box springs and secret
something new happiness.
Looking at a pessimistic vein, we arrive in Italian literature at Giacomo Leopardi in Recanati was born in 1798, lived as a child undergoing rigorous education on the part of the family, to the point of defining his father's house hostel, and living a love-hate relationship with the study. Leopardi has always maintained a pessimistic conception of reality, at first mitigated by the idea of \u200b\u200ba benign nature that, through the illusions, the man concealed the 'horrible truth. " Leopardi also belongs to the first concept of historical pessimism: the men, throughout history, have wandered from the path that the benign nature drew them to limit their suffering: this is why the ancients were happier and stronger physically, simply because were more deluded. Later, the poet arrives at the stage of the famous cosmic pessimism: the nature no longer operates for the benefit of its creatures, according to a teleological conception, but is merely an institution ruled by mechanical laws to which imports only the survival of the world, according to a mechanistic and materialistic. We find these ideas expressed in some verses of the Great Operettas romances, and especially in moral, one of which, The Dialogue of Nature and an Icelander, directly addresses the problem. Icelander to pressing questions, Nature responds by referring to the mechanistic theories mentioned above.
Nature. Perhaps you imagined that the world was made because of you? We now know that the invoices, orders and operations of mine, trattone very few, and I always had the intention to anything but happiness men or unhappiness. When I offended you in any way and at half what it is, I do not n'avveggo me, if not very rarely: as, ordinarily, if I pleasure or benefit you, I do not know, and I did not, as you think you, as these things or not such actions those f or, for pleasure or benefit you. And finally, if I happen to pay off your whole species, I will not avvedrei.
(Dialogue of Nature and an Icelander)
O nature, nature, why do you
what they promise? Why do you so deceive your children
(Silvia, vv. 36-39)
But why give to the sun,

Nature. Perhaps you imagined that the world was made because of you? We now know that the invoices, orders and operations of mine, trattone very few, and I always had the intention to anything but happiness men or unhappiness. When I offended you in any way and at half what it is, I do not n'avveggo me, if not very rarely: as, ordinarily, if I pleasure or benefit you, I do not know, and I did not, as you think you, as these things or not such actions those f or, for pleasure or benefit you. And finally, if I happen to pay off your whole species, I will not avvedrei.
(Dialogue of Nature and an Icelander)
O nature, nature, why do you
what they promise? Why do you so deceive your children
(Silvia, vv. 36-39)
But why give to the sun,
Why stand in life
Who then be consoled for?
If life is misery,
Why are we last?
Intact moon, such
E 'mortal state.
But you're not mortal,
And maybe you say the least of my hauls.
(Night Song of a Wandering Shepherd in Asia, vv. 53-60)
It 's interesting to compare the night song of a wandering shepherd Asia with the second Idyll of Theocritus, for while the protagonist of This Simet, imagine a participation of the moon to its magical rituals (in fact occurs the refrain in the poem "Do you think from where it started my love, Moon God"), the protagonist of that, the wandering shepherd, includes the strangeness of the moon - as a synecdoche of all nature - to human affairs.
O courteous nature,
Are these your gifts,
These are the delights
Whether you incline to mortals.
Get out of pain
E 'beloved among us.
Pene you scatter with lavish hand, and the grief
Volunteer rises: and pleasure, as much
that to show and sometimes
miracle born of pain, is much gain. Human
dear offspring to the eternal! very happy
If you breathe lice
On any grief: Blessed
If any of you heal painful death.
(The calm after the storm, vv. 42-54)
(The calm after the storm, vv. 42-54)

Danzig believes that every living creature, then the whole world, and objectification of the intention of the will We Live (Wille zum Leben), a self-preservation instinct, the irrational impulse (for the intention of this feature, some saw in it an antecedent of the Freudian unconscious) that Schopenhauer believes it is nothing but the thing itself , as sought by Kant as the idealists mortified. It is not unattainable and the only way to reach it is the noumenal autointuizione that it gives us our body: in fact the man is not a 'winged angel's head without a body. " Access to the thing in itself allows us to pierce the veil of Maya (a term that derives from Eastern philosophies, which Schopenhauer admired), ie the representation. And it is on dichotomy between desire and representation that is made all Schopenhauer's philosophy. While the first phenomenon in Kant enjoyed a certain importance because, as the noumenon of reach, sensory experience was the only man who could feel, now in Schopenhauer has finally managed to overcome the veil of representation in achieving it itself. However, this is a bitter surprise, as it turns out that the noumenon, that is the intention of it is a bad thing: the real substance of the world is evil! This desire is unconscious and is the only reason as a means to achieve their goals, is unique because it exists outside of the categories of space, time and causality and objective step by step: - Neo-Platonic influence - first in the archetypes (the Platonic ideas), then in every creature and object. Being outside of time, the will is eternal, and being irrational, that is, outside the category of cause, it is also absurd and blind: for each event will not be able to understand only part of the will itself, recognizing only itself, and therefore sees only the other instruments to exploit for their own survival, not other manifestations of the same will. Since this will is evil, it must be fought, that is transformed into noluntas: To accomplish this, Schopenhauer has two solutions: the ethics of compassion and asceticism, the latter of eastern origin. The first is to come to the realization that what seems to me other than me in fact it is not because we are all phenomenal objectification of the will is therefore a noble form of altruism and selflessness.
The second proposes the annulment of the will through the attainment of nirvana. Schopenhauer condemns suicide, considering that, rather than a renunciation of the will, a greater claim to it, because making such a gesture will not reject an individual but their poor living conditions.
There are some differences between the world views of the two thinkers. The philosopher Schopenhauer thought
is more complex than that of Leopardi: the latter admits suicide, believes that only the human condition is bad, not the entire world, and feels - like Augustine - evil as the absence of good. This view is more pessimistic than that of the philosopher of Gdansk, because it puts a negative intention of leaving the hope that it will be converted into something positive, while in the Leopards could not be done.

pampsichistico the vein, is part of the Rime of the Ancient Mariner Samuel Taylor Coleridge.
In this poem nature is an organism that lives in harmony with man, unless he does not sin of blasphemy against him, as if killing dell'albatro, accomplished without a reason from the old sailor. In this act of revenge following υβρις very hard by nature: death, divine, wins the hearts of sailors of the crew, who perished in agony, the Life-in-death, also in the form of deities , wins the soul of the old sailor, who is forced to suffer until the appearance of sea snakes of many colors and repentance of the protagonist. This is a watershed moment in the story: the first creatures were gathering around the vessel monstrous and evil spirits described in the romantic style for the dark and monstrous, after, the creatures take on a positive value: guide the sailor on the right track, in real sense is, both figuratively. The protagonist learns in this way, the respect for nature, behind which is hidden from the divine, but is condemned to tell their stories forever. The ballad is thus composed of a ring.

lies in describing scenes and surreal supernatural make it as close as possible to the story of an adventure really happened. For this purpose does a work of purging the lexicon, trying to reach a language 'as old as the ancient mariner, ancient and simple, full of all the wonder of books and travel. [... ] It 's the ideal language, lost in the diversification of social, historical, individual: each time found from the poem. It 's the first word of the language by which a man breaks the silence "(Geneva Bompiani).

The ice was here,
the ice was there,
Was the ice all around:
it cracked and growled,
it cracked and growled,
and roared and howled, Like noises in
to swound!
(vv. 59-62)
(vv. 59-62)
(translation by Mario Luzi:
The ice was everywhere,
was here, was there:
was all around;
rattled, groaned and howled!
How, Sven, we hear a rumble room.)
The very deep did rot: O Christ!
The very deep did rot: O Christ!
That Should this ever be!
Yea, slimy things did crawl with legs upon the slimy sea
(vv. 123-126)
(vv. 123-126)
(translation by Mario Luzi:
The deep rotting, O Christ!
that happen this thing!
crawling sticky paws
bodies to inform the water slimy. )
I pass, like night, from land to land;
I have strange power of speech;
That Moment That I see His face, I know the man
That must hear me: my
To Him that I teach. .
(vv. 586-590)
I pass, like night, from land to land;
I have strange power of speech;
That Moment That I see His face, I know the man
That must hear me: my
To Him that I teach. .
(vv. 586-590)
(translation by Mario Luzi:
from land to land migrates as a shadow;
strange power is in my words;
as soon as he ch ' I I see his face,
know the man that I should heed:
to him my story kr)
In current Roman
ticismo, we also find Caspar David Friedrich. This artist, to paint a landscape, trying to bring out the feeling that it transmits to humans. In line with the poetics of the sublime, depicting situations in which it occurs unleashed the power of the elements of nature. Often, this performance stands in contrast to the smallness of human being and his existential condition: thus man has the impression of being confined to a tiny dot surrounded by an infinite universe and majestic, capable of giving rise to this sublime feelings. Representations can be stated as clearly exemplify the Wanderer above the Sea of \u200b\u200bFog, Monaco by the sea, beach and sea ice Marshy, reminiscent of Coleridge's ballad.
To fully understand this poetics, it can be compared with that of the picturesque, whose greatest exponent was John Constable, whose paintings are real romances in which nature is peaceful friend of man.
In current Roman

To fully understand this poetics, it can be compared with that of the picturesque, whose greatest exponent was John Constable, whose paintings are real romances in which nature is peaceful friend of man.
Friedrich's art is also suffering from the influences of poetry cemetery
cleverly transposed onto the canvas in Abbey in the oak case, the work also to make a valid comparison between the human dimensions and those of the natural elements, in this case the trees, thus confirming the dominant motif of Friedrich's painting: the sense of human finitude in infinity of nature.
Reflections on the combination of work by Paul Ricoeur Marx, Nietzsche and Freud as "masters of suspicion '


Reflections on the combination of work by Paul Ricoeur Marx, Nietzsche and Freud as "masters of suspicion '
The philosopher Pau
Ricoeur interprets the Marx, Nietzsche and Freud as "masters of suspicion". This definition highlights the fact that these three thinkers have sought to portray the true essence of consciousness, and reality, destroying many of the traditional certainties of their times. From this arises the desecration of religion, explaining it as a system that was intended as a instrumentum kingdoms (the 'opium of people "Marx), as a" Platonism for the people "(Nietzsche), or as a set of collective rituals aimed to satisfaction of the atavistic desire to protect people in the dialectic son (humanity) - father (god), as interpreted by Freud. So writes Ricoeur, quote Heidegger: "The 'destruction' of the worlds is a retrograde positive task, including the destruction of religion, insofar as it is, in the words of Nietzsche, a" Platonism for the people. "
After the destruction of the illusory certainties that have suppressed the truth, it is necessary that it arises in its most clear expression of this need arises because the Nietzschean phrase: "Dead are all gods: now we want the superman alive! " (Thus Spake Zarathustra, Part I, by virtue of giving, par. 3). And to create the superman you must follow the reality without trying sovraterrene certainties thus remaining faithful to the earth. The reality must therefore be analyzed in hermeneutics, and this is accomplished by the three thinkers in question, each of which examined all of reality, not just a specific branch of knowledge, as the study of the three academic philosophers would have us believe. Ricoeur points out what he wrote: "We are still too attentive to their differences, that is, ultimately, the limits imposed on these three thinkers from the prejudices of their time, and we are particular victims of school in which they are closed down by their successors: that Marx is relegated in an economical and in the absurd theory of Marxist-reflective consciousness, Nietzsche is pulled toward a biological or even to an apology of violence, Freud is shelved in psychiatry, disguised in a ridiculously simplistic pansexualism.
All three make an analytical process in reverse, ie starting from the phenomenal manifestations of reality (which may appear disorganized in the first instance and without sense) to get to the factors that have been originated and processes through which they acquire the appearance with which they appear.
Given these dynamics, we understand how the lack of order and sense identified above was only apparent. All three philosophers analyzed his material by the method of investigation that unfolds in Freud's interpretation of dreams, then in understanding the phenomena that gave a semblance irrational real memories. This is the meaning of the complex sentence of Ricoeur: "From them, the understanding is hermeneutic: finding meaning, now does not mean to spell awareness of the meaning, but deciphering his expressions."
R. Rossi, UC Gallici, G. Vallarino, L. Pasquariello, A. Porcelli - 'Eλληνικά, Pearson
Dario Del Corno - Greek Literature, Principality
Luca Canali - Camene, Einaudi Scuola
Luciano Perelli - History Latin literature, Pearson
Joan Garbarino, - Work, Pearson
Bruno Snell - The Arcadia: the discovery of a spiritual landscape, in Greek culture and the origins of European thought
Guido Baldi, Silvia Giusso, Mario Razetto, Giuseppe Zaccaria - Literature, Pearson
Ginevra Bompiani (eds.) - Samuel Taylor Coleridge, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, translated by Mario Luzi, BUR
Abbagnano Nicola, Giovanni Fornero - Protagonists and texts of philosophy, Pearson
Revision of the History of Italian texts by Clara Calza, Xavier Hernandez, Edward Varini - Lessons of Art, Electa Bruno Mondadori
for deepening philosophical
Abbagnano Nicola, Giovanni Fornero - Protagonists and texts of philosophy, Paul Ricoeur-Pearson
The conflict of interpretations, Italian translation, Jaca Book, Milan
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - Thus Spake Zarathustra, Adelphi

All three make an analytical process in reverse, ie starting from the phenomenal manifestations of reality (which may appear disorganized in the first instance and without sense) to get to the factors that have been originated and processes through which they acquire the appearance with which they appear.

R. Rossi, UC Gallici, G. Vallarino, L. Pasquariello, A. Porcelli - 'Eλληνικά, Pearson
Dario Del Corno - Greek Literature, Principality
Luca Canali - Camene, Einaudi Scuola
Luciano Perelli - History Latin literature, Pearson
Joan Garbarino, - Work, Pearson
Bruno Snell - The Arcadia: the discovery of a spiritual landscape, in Greek culture and the origins of European thought
Guido Baldi, Silvia Giusso, Mario Razetto, Giuseppe Zaccaria - Literature, Pearson
Ginevra Bompiani (eds.) - Samuel Taylor Coleridge, The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, translated by Mario Luzi, BUR
Abbagnano Nicola, Giovanni Fornero - Protagonists and texts of philosophy, Pearson
Revision of the History of Italian texts by Clara Calza, Xavier Hernandez, Edward Varini - Lessons of Art, Electa Bruno Mondadori
for deepening philosophical
Abbagnano Nicola, Giovanni Fornero - Protagonists and texts of philosophy, Paul Ricoeur-Pearson
The conflict of interpretations, Italian translation, Jaca Book, Milan
Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche - Thus Spake Zarathustra, Adelphi
Valerio Toldonato

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