Thursday, August 12, 2010

Homemade Ham And Beans Calorie

Generation thousand euro, which is off to the worst.

Generation thousand euro, which is off to the worst.
Edgardo Rossi

There is a country where almost all the best minds are doomed to temporary employment, are forced to live inventing activities or accepting fixed-term contracts, throwing their time in the frenzied search for a job that allows them to be realized.
A country where researchers (if allowed to become) are often paid with ridiculous figures and without any guarantee that the activities undertaken to continue over time. A country where culture is considered a weight loss worse.
A country where important tasks are passed from father to son (from uncle to nephew, from parent to relative, etc..), the leadership roles are won with the "spintarelle" where the jurisdiction is considered a virtue, so that senior executives are rewarded for having scuppered the company of which they were directors.
Of course there are exceptions (such as that might otherwise survive the country of which we speak), every so often someone with skills and ability to get a job that pertains to him, but it is a variant confirmed, however, should not be too many, would change the rules of the game.
On the other hand in this "happy" country was invented specifically for a space help maintain constant incompetence (if not the increase of the same). This space is the policy (or rather the use made of the policy), behind the appearance there is a democratic system of rules that guarantees the choice of the political class more acceptable to various factions who hold economic power, it is divided into two major "strands", the direct and the conditional.
Through the direct system the candidates are chosen by the parties, which puts them in order, according to a rating of personalistic and interest. In this line an ideal candidate, and certainly the future deputy, should either be jointly interested in the project or totally unaware of it, or both things together, however, must ensure full acceptance of orders party. Woe to disrespect the rules. This principle is successfully applied in national elections.
The conditional is less secure, can also lead to unpleasant incidents, like the election of people do not like, but the risks are low. Upstream there is a capillary of flattening of the minds, we tend to make people think to slogan, to create art of the fake fears, which led the mass to be identified in alleged charismatic leaders to whom we must believe with blind faith and absolute .
If the game can (and often succeeds) everything is almost guaranteed, for which the candidate will be advised promptly "chosen" by the electorate, ensuring continuity of the system and avoiding dangerous intrusions. It is through this method than in other electoral areas were voted and elected people of such baseness and intellectual property to border a scandal. I know that many people think of a famous son (for other culturally deprived as the father), but really think about, is one of many, who weighed in and look around is "government" with an open mind and maybe we will wake up from this "Sleep of Reason" that seems to cloud the minds of many.
At this point you understand that the country of which I spoke is Italy, and the generation doomed to insecurity and the current, ongoing process that has been active for many years, the prospects for a revival are very limited and are related to the emergence of a genuine moral conscience, able to rewrite the rules now applying the principles of our Constitution, and in particular the first five articles. For those who remember them would be worthwhile to review them and make them part of their civic behavior.

Article 1
Italy is a democratic republic, founded on work.
The sovereignty belongs to the people and is exercised in the manner and within the limits of the Constitution.

Article 2
The Republic recognizes and guarantees the inviolable rights of man, as an individual and in social groups where he expresses his personality, and requires the fulfillment mandatory duties of political solidarity, economic and social development.

Article 3 All citizens have equal social dignity and are equal before the law, without distinction of sex, race, language, religion, political opinion, personal and social conditions.
is the duty of the Republic to remove obstacles to economic and social nature which constrain the freedom and equality of citizens, prevent the full development of the human person and the effective participation of all workers in the political, economic and social development of the country. Article 4

The Republic recognizes the right of all citizens to work and promotes conditions to fulfill this right effective.
Every citizen has a duty to perform according to their ability and individual choice, activity or function that contributes to the material or spiritual progress of society.

Article 5 The Republic, one and indivisible, recognizes and promotes local autonomies, and implements services that depend on the State the fullest measure of administrative decentralization accords the principles and methods of its legislation to the requirements of autonomy and decentralization .


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