Fable Chinese Baracco
Fable Chinese
Silvano Baracco
In the reign Shi-tzu, about seventy-seven centuries before Gautama Siddhartha bring you his word enlightened, the last ruler of Dynasty Yang Shi-tzu-saw during his morning walk, a girl with long blond hair wearing a short dress, red. The king, who was a man of fiery passions and sudden, he fell in love at first sight, and you have to outsource to the girl that her feeling of indecision when the worm penetrated his thoughts, and he reasoned to himself: "If I I come to her in clothes and regalia, I run two major risks: in front of his refusal my authority and it would be my honor irreparably harmed, on the other hand, his reception of my desires, expressed as the King, would remain forever troubled by the doubt that she has not loved me as a person, but my honorable role. But if I introduce to you under false signs, perhaps in the shoes of any courtier could more easily judge the sincerity of his response and its intentions, but when I have to necessarily reveal the secret, she might feel offended by this fiction, transforming love, first conquered already, in contempt. "Unable to resolve these doubts, he decided to seek advice from the Great Sage nameless and homeless, who in those days he had stopped his road just outside the city walls. There he went, hesitantly, that same day. The Great Sage, a young-looking for the ancient wisdom wrapped in a white cloak with no belt, with a very thick beard and long hair in a large turban, was motionless, crouched on a mat, absorbed in deep meditation. Only after several minutes from the King, in silence, he had stopped right in front of him, opened his eyes and stared long emerald eyes of the King then asked him, just a whisper, which was the rage that drove him to take his advice. The King told him of his doubts. Then began the Great Sage, always whispering just the his words, a long discourse on the unity of things and their eternal flow, spoke of the soul, the movement of the stars, music and mathematics show the harmonious relationship between all these things. He spoke well for several hours, without in any way that the King felt bored or tired, although still standing, but rather raised, light and at peace with himself like never before. At one time the Great Sage was silent, and never taking his eyes from the emerald face of the King, invited him to sit in front of him, then picked up briefly in a gentle meditation, and then spoke directly of the problem was came to offer him:
- Mr Lord, how can you believe that you love the girl you're talking about, if it proves not to know all the feelings? Then you do not love the person who is in her, but only his appearance, his long blond hair and her red dress. Six Kings, have power of discernment on the lives of many, he can not discern the chaff from the flower on the sentiment of love. On the other hand, I want to bring a question: did you learn today you get to know, you have penetrated, since the most remote corners, the depth of my feelings through my words and my eyes, from which you drew happiness and well-being with both hands. Now I wonder: could you now love me?
- Worshipful Master, with the respect and gratitude that I feel I owe you, my answer is no, and I do not see how it could be otherwise.
- Go therefore, young Mr King Return to your residence, to meditate on your stupidity.
That said, the Great Sage shut his eyes and went into a deep emerald, imperturbable meditation. The last reigning dynasty of the Shi Tzu-Yang returned, sadly, in his palace, and there came out for the rest of his days.
At sunset, the Great Sage was released by meditation, he took off the long white robe, took off his long bushy beard, took off his turban, dissolving in the wind her long blond hair, wore her short red dress, and went away forever from that city.
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