Saturday, May 29, 2010

What Are The Orders Of Colors In Cubefield

Prime Numbers and Safety Case

During the elementary school or in later primary school years, you come across in prime numbers and these numbers are associated with the idea of \u200b\u200bbuilding blocks with which all the natural numbers, by the multiplication .
It then goes on to show the criteria for divisibility by prime numbers smaller and so are taught to factor numbers.
Factoring numbers: a problem that you learn to deal with children.
Factoring numbers: a problem that computers can not solve.
There is no contradiction in the two previous statements. Indeed we are accustomed to dealing with very small numbers. 120, 1345, 5 billion ... are small numbers in our daily lives as they might appear larger. We intend to say that factoring a number of two, three, ten digits may actually be a breeze. But it can be difficult to factor a hundred digits? Meanwhile, we can conceive the magnitude of such a number? Just to help the intuition, if we had a lot of pens can be expressed with a a hundred-digit number ... we could give away a billion billion each atom in the universe and we still have a huge stock!
Then, if we take two prime numbers of fifty, sixty digits each and multiply them together we get a very large number. Well, it would be as simple as factoring factorization 120? Of course not, but how difficult would it? How long does it take a computer to find the first two that make it up? It 'clear that this time depends on the number of primes that can be found in that range, that is, those who are first in the range of numbers that have fifty or sixty figures. There are more than the computer has to "riddle".
There are more than there are nell'uiniverso atoms.
So it is almost impossible to solve the problem, a PC would take centuries.
E 'is based on what the security of credit cards, banks, transactions: a hacker who wants to access a protected area should almost be able to find the first two making up a number (public key easily recognizable) of one hundred, one hundred and twenty figures. It can not!
I am often asked "but what good math background ?"... well, this argument is one of my favorite responses.
E 'thanks to mathematics that can be spending with your credit card and be sure that no one, that is genius, you can access your account. Without primes our economy would be back a hundred years.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Songs For Bachelorette Slideshow


Moralia - Immoral
Edgardo Rossi

I find myself writing the most obvious, driven by an inner Ruglio can not accept the moral degradation of an entire people, motivated by the belief that in the end somehow the reason will ultimately prevail.
The country suffers from a serious lack of morals, of the vacation of a capable and honest leadership, in this absence of authentic values, in this cultural void planted the seeds and deep roots formed the worst people. There is a coexistence between a criminal bad policy, a crime now legalized and a sense of impunity that somehow involves a large part of the Italians. We got to the point that in this country is more difficult to be honest than to be dishonest. The many (too many) laws should ensure that the rules are not followed, the length of too many processes to ensure that impunity for serious crimes, a sense of arrogance that pervades the minds of too many leads to total disregard for legality. Samples are from, when some influential person is under investigation for anything, just talking about the plot (especially Berlusconi practice this tactic, but it is not the only one), so you start a drawing often is resolved in the legal prescription.
I can hardly mention Berlusconi, a man who makes me troubled thoughts, a man for whom I feel deep sorrow and a strong sense of disgust. But I can not avoid it because somehow he is the symbol of the country's cultural and moral decay, for in him are all the more serious and typical defects italianity, one made of arrogance and pettiness that so many great actors and writers have ridiculed and put in jest in movies and comedies.
On the other hand we are the country (to name a few) of speed cameras loaded, the trucks that travel the country so excessive that no checks, contracts downward, civil protection and prevention ever. The country in which many know by heart the formation of football teams even forty years ago, but few know of Piazza Fontana, the P2 lodge, of attempted coup, in fact, managed by the entry in the institutions of certain figures.
should reform the common morality, you should use the justice in a fair, we must return to compliance for the work (stops offer shortcuts to some kind of celebrity). We should understand that the wealth of a country is measured with respect, respect for laws, taxes, rules, of men (from wherever they arise). Wealth can not be calculated in commodities and consumer goods, it is wrong, leads to turn everything in the market, leads the company to be based on having and not on being, the race for economic prosperity leads to accumulation of capital on a more and less privileged at the expense of an ever greater mass of dispossessed.
See all obvious, as above, but persistent and seemingly unassailable, because spread. To renew morality need someone to practice it, because the laws are respected, that people need to know them and make it their own, if not we will be a future of people suspected of patrols and order, cutting out the role of protectors, become their those responsible for the increasing violence with which we must learn to live (so to speak, there are subtle violence as having no right to a secure job, such as having to surrender their dignity to have to live like not to have secured the right to study). Look around, it is happening.

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display of ignorance

The dialect, the national anthem and "Va ', pensiero", the myth of Phaeton. Ignorance of proponents blunders perhaps the most dangerous form intentions

ROSSI * In the face of arrogance and ignorance of a political movement that wants to impose compulsory study of dialects and the emergence of so-called regional anthems, I mean two things. Point one. In Italy there are: 13 language groups cock Italy, 5 language groups from Veneto, a group defined by variants of the Tuscan dialect, 4 groups of central dialects, 5 groups of southern dialects intermediate, 6 Sicilian language groups, language groups 2 courses. These groups are added to 13 linguistic minorities recognized by Act 482 of 1999. The map is already so diverse, but if you want to be more precise we discovers that the various groups are divided into subgroups often extended only in local areas. Staying on a regional plan would be sufficient to recall that in Piedmont are recognized: the Asti, from Turin, the province of Cuneo, the Vercelli, the Alexandrian, the Monferrato, the Langhe, the Valsesia, Biella, the Canavese. It can be said to lack in our country there are 261 different spoken. Will be activated all the teachings of those spoken or it will be a privileged few? According

. It is proposed to the choir ', thought as a hymn of the north. Taken from Verdi's Nabucco (1842), is sung by the Jews captive in Babylon. The verses of Themistocles Solera are inspired by the Bible's Psalm 136, known as Super flumina Babylonis. The text was, during the Risorgimento, which is considered a patriotic message, easy to recognize a similarity between the Jewish prisoners of the Babylonians oppressed by the Austrians and Italians. I do not understand why that should better identify choir Italy or any part thereof. When you do not have sufficient knowledge are mixed up the symbols and so Phaeton, struck down by Zeus for his incompetence in driving the solar car and crashed near the Po (Eridanus to the Greeks), a sleeping giant becomes a symbol of the Po Valley. This

unnecessary display of ignorance conceals very different intentions, and I think that's more dangerous and less respectful of human dignity will be been laid off recently, so much more serious would be the reasons of the dispute, but you can not always be silent in the face of statements run with such complacency.

* Professor of Philosophy, published as Alexandria
italics readers by The Press

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A simple proposal

A simple proposal!
Edgardo Rossi

In times of crisis like this one about the ruler of all the sacrifices that we must implement for the common good, then I too would like to make a small proposal, I do it even at the cost of raising accusations of populism or social superficiality and economic.
to save money is well known that the Finance Ministry has taken steps to cuts costs as defined practice useless in many areas of government (schools, hospitals and services in the first place), because it is also used to reduce the cost of politics in a serious way. The Italian deputies are the highest paid in Europe, I propose to adjust their wages to their foreign colleagues, and to reduce their salaries, are also to cut the many benefits enjoyed (ranging from massages, to many small services details). I suggest also that the assistant they need (the "bag man) is regularly employed under contract, otherwise you do not see why ladies and senators have to earn money to pay then either black employees or even worse not to hire anyone. I also propose that lowering the salaries of several leaders of the many caravans state (indeed many of these should be closed, but are not so positive), the salaries of employees of the House, the Senate and the Quirinale. Should be halved also the salaries of regional directors and regional presidents, as well as councilors. Of course, the salaries of government representatives should be adequate and appropriately sized (again, seeing the rewards of our European colleagues are better paid, and honestly I do not understand why). Then, it will decrease the number of provincial and municipal councilors and eliminate districts in each town. Few people know that the chairperson receives a substantial salary to play a similar role (but very small) to the councilor planning, managing public spaces of a common mid-sized business is not for lofty minds, would be enough common sense and honesty. Pass the multiplication of public offices as a guarantee of the democratic system or, as some say, more effective participation, knows a bit 'teasing. Certain offices also have been invented only to reward friends and relatives or to give a sop to those who ran and lost for important posts. Last point
pensions. Because who has been deputy, senator, etc. must receive double pension? If a citizen has the good fortune di essere eletto per una o più legislature dovrebbe, una volta decaduto dall’incarico, tornare al suo precedente lavoro, giunto all’età della pensione basterebbe sommare i contributi versati e giungere poi all’erogazione di un’unica pensione. Ovviamente non prima dei 65 anni. Se si vive in uno stato di diritto i diritti e i doveri dovrebbero essere ripartiti in maniera equa, mi pare che oggi esistano delle pesanti sperequazioni, non ho ancora sentito nessun partito proporre qualcosa di concreto per eliminarle, io fornisco a chi vuole questa mia semplice idea. Aspetto risposte, anche diverse o alternative, ma reali e concrete. Grazie.